When it comes to crypto trading, it is essential to keep track of the market at all times. However, assessing market data around the clock is no easy feat, even for the most experienced crypto investors. As such, crypto Discord groups have proven themselves to be valuable resources.

This guide discusses how investors can use crypto Discord servers in order to make informed trading decisions. We will also review the best crypto Discord groups that investors can consider joining today.

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Best 8 Crypto Discord Groups & Servers Ranked

Here’s our list of the top 8 Discord crypto servers that offer investors real-time market updates and insights:

  1. Jacob Crypto Bury – Overall Best Crypto Discord Group for Investors
  2. The Crypto Nation – Crypto Discord Server Suitable for Beginners
  3. r/ CryptoCurrency – Discord Channel of the Leading Reddit Crypto Discussion Group
  4. Cryptohub –  Discord Cryptocurrency Server for Experienced Traders
  5. Elite Crypto Signals – Discord Channel for Performance Analyses of Digital Currencies
  6. Larva Labs – First NFT-Based Crypto Discord Group
  7. Axion Crypto Community – User-Friendly Discord Crypto Group for Beginners
  8. Cryptodra – Discord Group With Data-Driven Approach to Crypto Trading

We review each of the above Discord cryptocurrency groups in the following sections.

However, investors should make it a point to do their own due diligence before acting on advice from any selected Discord channels.

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Top 8 Crypto Discord Groups – Detailed Reviews

We will discuss what to expect when joining the best crypto Discord groups.

We have provided comprehensive reviews after taking into account the type of information offered as well as the engagement level.

1. Jacob Crypto Bury – Overall Best Crypto Discord Group for Investors

Jacob Crypto Bury is a Discord group run by Jacob Bury, a highly experienced crypto trader. Bury uses this channel to spearhead and facilitate discussions about all things related to digital currencies.

And what’s more, this is perhaps the most engaging Discord channel operating in the crypto sector. Bury makes it a point to post about new cryptocurrencies entering the market regularly. This channel was also among the first to spot some of the most popular crypto launches of 2022, such as Dash 2 Trade, IMPT, and Calvaria.

In other words, Jacob Crypto Bury is one of the top Discord channels for investors looking to find emerging cryptos that have high upside potential.

This Discord server offers content via six different channels. The first is a ‘general discussion’ channel that functions like a chatroom. This is the go-to channel for users who have any questions about digital currencies, pre-sales, NFTs, the metaverse, or any other related matter.

The ‘news links’ channel is dedicated to keeping users up-to-date with the latest events happening in the crypto world. In this channel, investors can find external links to authoritative articles and analyses of the crypto world.

The Jacob Crypto Bury Discord group also has a ‘charts’ channel – which keeps investors posted on the prices and trends of all prominent digital coins. Additionally, users can also find expert trend analyses in this channel, which helps put all of the boring statistical figures into perspective.

The fourth main channel of this Discord group is called ‘data & graphs’ – which sends users graphical data regarding the potential price direction of cryptocurrencies. ‘DeFi’ is this Discord server’s fifth main channel that focuses on discussions, analyses, and insights related to virtually any topic under the umbrella of decentralized finance.

Last up, Jacob Crypto Bury also has a tutorial channel for beginners. Apart from discussing crypto, Jacob Bury encourages his followers to mingle with traders in the group. For this purpose, the Discord channel has a separate section called ‘off-topic’.

As is evident, Jacob Bury’s is one of the most well-rounded channels for crypto investors and traders. It caters not only to beginners but also experienced professionals hoping to make money from crypto investments. Moreover, it is completely free to subscribe to this Discord channel.

Visit Jacob Crypto Bury

2. The Crypto Nation – Crypto Discord Server Suitable for Beginners

Despite being a relatively new Discord server, we found the Crypto Nation to be a great source of information for crypto enthusiasts. The channel takes on a holistic approach to introduce its users to the crypto world.

It is also one of the best crypto Discord groups out there for beginners who are new to topics such as blockchain, NFTs, and DeFi. The Crypto Nation has four main channel groups.

The first is ‘hot topics’ – which has sub-channels dedicated to trending topics in the crypto world, such as NFTs and DeFi.

The second channel group is called the ‘discussions group’. This group hosts all channels related to the core topics of this crypto group. This includes chats dedicated to crypto market performance, trend analyses, future price estimates, and more.

Thirdly, there is the ‘resources’ section. This comprises channels filled with links to authoritative articles, analyses, and expert opinions about crypto-related niches.

Finally, the ‘education’ section of this Discord group comes with a crypto glossary, new coin reviews, and guides on trading strategies.

3. r/ CryptoCurrency – Discord Channel of the Leading Reddit Crypto Discussion Group

As the name suggests, ‘r/CryptoCurrency’ is a subreddit page, but it also has a Discord group under the same name. This Discord group makes our list because it is one of the largest crypto discussion groups.

On top of this, it also offers high-quality market insights to its users. At the time of writing, r/CryptoCurrency has 36,500+ members. Crucially, the group is also very professional when it comes to the content posted on the channel.

For instance, newcomers to the r/CryptoCurrency Discord group have a two-minute chat buffer for every message they send. Such drastic steps ensure that people carefully measure their words before they speak and avoid violating the community’s rules.

After establishing themselves as a credible member, the two-minute buffer is lifted. Subscribers are then subsequently awarded different ranks in the community – based on their experience level and quality of contribution.

The major topics discussed in this group are crypto trading, technical analysis of the digital coin market, decentralized finance, NFTs, taxation, and more.

That being said, it’s worth noticing that it’s not all about ‘shop talk’ here. While “r/ CryptoCurrencies” may be more professional than other discord groups out there, it does keep things light by arranging movie and game nights every now and then.

4. Cryptohub – Discord Cryptocurrency Server for Experienced Traders

Cryptohub is yet another large Discord group that showers its users with insights, analyses, and helpful Q/A about the world of digital currencies. At the time of writing, the group has over 16,000 members, meaning there’ll always be somebody online to answer queries regarding crypto technologies.

When it comes to the general culture of this Discord community, the group leans more toward a formal and professional approach.

In fact, new subscribers have to go through several verification processes before they are allowed to access the various channels of the group.

Although Cryptohub has channels dedicated to newbies that cover the fundamentals of crypto, this platform is more focused on advanced strategies. In other words, this Discord group is best for those who are somewhat experienced in digital currencies.

Cryptohub has also set up paid subscription plans for those who seek professional trading insights. The monthly plans start as low as $10 and offer direct access to some of the most successful traders in the community.

Also, subscribers who abide by the group’s guidelines and cement their name as loyal contributors also hold a chance to win free cryptocurrencies. This reward system also makes Cryptohub unique among its competitors.

5. Elite Crypto Signals – Discord Channel Offering Crypto Trading Signals

Elite Crypto Signals is yet another exceptional resource for digital currency traders of all levels of experience.

This Discord group was founded in 2018, and it has some of the most respected and experienced crypto traders among its subscribers. It is also one of the best cryptocurrency Discord groups to primarily deal with crypto trading signals.

The signals are derived from technical and fundamental analysis and come with suggestions on which crypto pairs to trade. The Discord channel also offers entry and exit points for its signals. Importantly, the results of these signals can also be verified via the premium version of the Discord channel.

However, in order to get access to advanced analytics, users will have to sign up for a premium membership. In a nutshell, with signals from Elite Crypto, there is no need for traders to decipher complex statistics or analyze data for hours.

Instead, they only need to refer to the signals and place trades accordingly – of course, after doing independent research.

As of writing, this cryptocurrency Discord server holds over 31,000 members. Moreover, the channel has one of the highest expert-to-newbie ratios – making it one of the best crypto Discord groups to consult for insights and expert opinions.

6. Larva Labs – First NFT-Based Crypto Discord Group

At the time of writing, Larva Labs is a Discord group made up of over 71,000 members. Initially launched in 2017, Larva Labs is run by the team behind CryptoPunk NFTs. And this server is the first crypto Discord group to specialize exclusively in NFTs.

To date, this is one of the best crypto Discord groups for investors to get access to the latest news about NFTs in real-time.

Moreover, the channel’s content appeals to newbies as well as experienced NFT investors. There are a lot of educational resources that will help beginners get a solid grip on what NFTs are and how this sector works.

Moreover, this group is one of the most inclusive crypto groups available today. After an initial screening, there’s nothing stopping subscribers from being active members of the group.

In addition to this inclusivity, the Larva Labs Discord Group is also remarkably simple – there is only one main member channel used for discussions.

This makes things a lot more straightforward in terms of navigating the channel. Moreover, this way, users will have less chance of missing out on any critical messages while being active on one channel.

7. Axion Crypto Community – User-Friendly Discord Crypto Group for Beginners

Axion has managed to cultivate one of the friendliest and warmest group cultures over the years. It is the main reason why over 46,000 crypto enthusiasts have signed up to be a part of its community.

Nevertheless, newcomers will still have to go through the standard verification procedures. In doing so, users are given complete access to all of Axion’s channels.

The topics that these channels target mainly surround cryptocurrencies and related investment strategies. For complete beginners, the community also has dedicated channels filled with resources.

The platform also gives users the opportunity to subscribe to monthly premium packages. These subscriptions will provide users with on-demand access to expert analyses and open communication channels with the most experienced traders on the platform.

8. Cryptodra – Discord Group With Data-Driven Approach to Crypto Trading

Cryptodra is a trader who began investing in digital currencies all the way back in 2016. Following their success in crypto trading, the investor decided to open a Discord group chat to help others do the same.

Instead of leaning on technical analysis like most other discussion forums, Cryptodra focuses on data from order books – thus offering unique market insights. This Discord group is relatively small when compared to others on the list – with only 2k subscribers.

However, the group is sought out by professional crypto trades who seek data-driven market insights to help with the decision-making process. Like many other Discord groups on this list, Cryptodra offers its users a premium subscription package.

This exclusive access allows users to get expert answers to the most pressing questions regarding the crypto space. Furthermore, subscribers can even arrange a Zoom call with experts to receive in-person guidance.

The subscription options include both monthly and annual plans, but more interestingly, the server offers a lifetime premium membership at a one-off charge of $699.

This could be of great use to those planning on sticking to crypto trading for the long run, especially if they are confident in the benefits offered by Cryptodra.

Why Join A Crypto Discord Server?

Some of our readers might be wondering whether it is actually worth signing up on crypto Discord groups. After all, most of this information might be available for free on the internet.

So, below, we have listed a selection of core points that shine a light on the advantages of using crypto Discord groups.

Find Out About The Top New Digital Coins Early On

One of the best things about joining a discord cryptocurrency server is that investors no longer remain tied to limited information or analysis.

  • For instance, suppose a trader wants to seek out different opinions about a popular cryptocurrency.
  • As a member of a Discord channel, the trader can always take it up with other members of the group and hear what they think of the potential of the digital coin in question.
  • Having access to a crypto community can be tremendously helpful when trying to measure the general market sentiment.
  • This benefit is, perhaps, the most notable when it comes to new digital coins. It’s hard enough to accurately estimate the future performance of existing cryptocurrencies whose past market performance data is available.
  • So, it is even more challenging to speculate on the performance of new

This is where the expertise of crypto Discord servers comes in. They volunteer their take on the future of new digital currencies – based on their expert market analysis and experience in the crypto industry.

Jacob Bury’s early endorsement of cryptocurrencies such as IMPT and Dash 2 Trade is an excellent example of this.

Like Jacob, many expert investors use Discord channels to help newbie crypto investors navigate the ever-increasing pile of information about digital currencies.

Market Insights

Market prices of cryptocurrencies are influenced more intensely by the perceived value of the industry as a whole. After all, many argue that cryptocurrencies have no inherent value.

In other words, a cryptocurrency might fail if investors do not believe that it has a future – no matter its growth potential. For this reason, crypto traders need to be ‘all ears’ when it comes to discussions about digital currencies.

Discord groups are a great way to assess market sentiment. Relevant groups allow investors to interact with other traders and get an idea of what cryptocurrencies they are interested in.

This way, investors can be on guard when a sudden price change happens, which might be a result of wider market perceptions.

Organized Information

Those new to the world of crypto can easily be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information in this field. It can take a while to acquaint oneself with terms like blockchain, DeFi, NFTs, and much more.

As such, it’s natural to wonder where or how to get started.

Crypto Discord groups can be of great help to beginners. Many Discord channel groups we reviewed above have dedicated sections covering the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies.

Since each topic usually has its own channel dedicated to it, the information available through these groups will be much more organized and digestible.

Moreover, in case there is any doubt, users can reach out to other members of the group for clarification – which is not always possible when learning about crypto on a DIY basis.

Additionally, the information found on these groups is carefully planned and set by expert traders. Meaning, beginners can expect to find the most authoritative articles, opinions, and resources.

Expert Consultation

As is evident from our guide, some of the best Discord crypto groups out there offer their members a premium subscription. This premium subscription – in most cases- gives users access to some of the group’s most experienced crypto traders.

This offers a chance for group members to consult crypto experts with questions regarding personalized questions about their investment portfolio. Some platforms even offer guidance via phone calls.


When dealing with cryptocurrencies, it is necessary to have access to up-to-date market analyses and general market sentiments.

A crypto trading Discord group provides investors access to everything in one place. The information found on the best crypto Discord channels is neatly organized and moreover, provides investors with access to a passionate community.

For those on the fence about joining Discord groups, it might be smart to consider a free channel that offers high-quality and reliable crypto market analysis.

In this regard, we found the Jacob Crypto Bury channel to be one of the best Crypto Discord Groups in the market. This channel serves as an immensely helpful resource – especially for finding out about upcoming digital coins that could be about to explode.