Focusing on the highlights, Crypto analyst ADA whale tweets about the latest projects such as Level 1, Level 2 upgrades, and dApps community, and more revolving around the Cardano. 

Pointing out the first project, the crypto analyst tweeted that the Stake Pool Operator (SPO) Liquidity Bonds at Optim Finance was launched on Friday. The SPO bonds offer yield products and aggregation.

By ranking as the third largest DeFi protocol on Cardano, Indigo’s latest innovation enables users to stake their ADA when the token is put as collateral.

On Saturday, Cardano’s new light wallet Lace’s testnet went live, claiming it has a minimalistic style. Cardano’s governance Catalyst Circle v4 was launched on the same day. The Circle is described as a catalyst problem-sensing organization that is designed to receive feedback from the community and report on it.

Tweeting about the latest launches, ADA whale claims to be excited about the release of the cross-chain Spectrum Finance DEX (decentralized exchange). The Twitter personality further explains that the upcoming DEX is the first eUTxO on Ergo, which further grows Cardano’s DEX ecosystem. 

Touching the telecom sector, the World Mobile Team(WMT), the first blockchain-based mobile network, has successfully tested using the Starlink “Low Earth Orbit” (LEO) satellites as a backhaul. At the time of writing, WMT has 19,935 users over the last 24 hours with a total of 188 air nodes. 

Furthermore, updates from the developers reveal Cardano has many upcoming projects. Lace is currently becoming ready for dApp integration, while Plutus is being developed to increase the script capacity.  The first version of the Mithril cryptographic library will be published on

Currently, there are around 108 projects launched on Cardano, along with 1,151 projects coming up in the future. At press time, ADA is priced at 0.3045, experiencing a surge of 6.74% in seven days.