Happy Monday everyone! We hope you had a great weekend.

As always we are helping ease you back into the working week with a round-up of last week’s main event industry news, including any interesting stories and insights that can help you improve yourself, your company, or your events.



The Periodic Table of Events [Eventbrite Blog]

As event managers, we all know there’s a lot of chemistry (and maybe just a little bit of magic) that goes into creating amazing events and experiences.

But what elements go into world-class events? Here we bring you the Periodic Table of Events, with 121 separate elements that can be combined in an infinite number of ways to produce unique, exciting experiences. Click above to access a pdf version, or a fully interactive table.


User-Generated Content: The Secret Weapon for Your Next Email Campaign [Kissmetrics]

Looking for ways to raise the conversion of your email campaigns? Try adding user-generated content (UGC). Olapic found that “user-generated content in email sees a 43% increase in click-through rates and a 2-3X conversion rate.” Visualisation and authenticity accelerates consumers’ desires to purchase. Click through above to learn more about UGC and for some great example too.

What Is Whitespace and Why Does It Matter? 8 Websites to Inspire Your Web Design [Hubspot]


Empty space is not always wasted space as this article from Hubspot tells us. The key to getting your visitors’ undivided attention is simplicity — and that starts with an effective use of whitespace. Click through above and find out how you can effectively use whitespace to better engage your visitors.


Battery breakthrough will let phones charge in seconds and last for a week [Telegraph]


Every event managers nightmare is for their phone to die during an event!With the advances in mobile technology, the battery has never been able to keep up but this could be a thing of the past as a breakthrough in battery technology could mean your battery is charged in seconds and lasts for a week.

How Pinterest Uses Machine Learning To Keep Its Users Pinned [Fast Company]
