On Thursday (3 November 2022), Frederik Greggard, the CEO of Cardano Foundation, explained how the “new process in place” for Cardano Improvement Proposals (“CIPs”) works and why this will not only help them reach their open source goals but also help the Cardano ecosystem.

Cardano Foundation is “an independent Swiss-based non-profit that oversees and supervises the advancement of Cardano.” It is the legal custodian of the Cardano brand and it collaborates with IOG and EMURGO to “ensure that Cardano is being developed and promoted as a secure, transparent, and accountable solution for positive global change.” Cardano Foundation “sets the direction for decentralized economic empowerment, working with regulators in different jurisdictions to shape blockchain legislation and commercial standards, and empowering the Cardano community to leverage the Cardano protocol to solve real-life problems.”

Greggard went on to say:

A CIP is a way for the #Cardanocommunity to propose a new feature and collect community input on an issue in the #Cardano network… As full transparency is needed to make informed decisions, CIPs now require explicit enlisting of participating projects. Many processes have also been simplified. This will make it easier to understand and easier to classify and search… We introduced CIP-9999… #CIP 9999 aims to capture issues that do not have solutions yet. This could form the basis for a grants mechanism built on top of proposals…

The changes to the CIP process will empower the #CardanoCommunity. @Cardano_CF works to make it as easy as possible for community members to create the changes they want. We operate with complete transparency and ensure everyone can make an impact and an informed decision.

Key CIP metrics: ✅100+ visitors/day on the repository ✅38 new CIP authors over a year ✅2700+ comments in a year ✅50 reviewed proposals & 20 proposals under review ✅more than 100% proposal growth in a year ✅155 pull requests created in 2022, 103 merged…


Everyone who can, should get involved in the CIP process and have their voice heard. #Cardano need as much participation as possible to reach our goal of a truly open source ecosystem. This latest #CIP overhaul brought us one step closer.

On Monday (31 October 2022), i.e. Halloween 2022, Cardano Foundation announced the on-chain stats for October, and thankfully the numbers were healthy enough not to scare any $ADA HODLers.

Cardano Foundation sent out a tweet to its over 850K followers that showed how the number of native tokens, the number of wallets, the number of Plutus scripts, the number of transactions, the number of delegated wallets, and the number of policies had all gone up in October 2022:

Charles Hoskinson, Co-Founder and CEO of IO Global (aka “IOG”, formerly known as “IOHK”), the company responsible for Cardano’s R&D, says that in the long term Cardano will evolve into “a network of blockchains.”

According to a report by The Daily Hodl, in a video released on 25 October 2022, Hoskinson made the following prediction:

Cardano will eventually be a network of blockchains so it’s not just going to be Cardano, but when you think about the sidechain side of things, there’s potentially going to be dozens, potentially hundreds of sidechains running in parallel all tuned to pacific things. So it’s like ‘The Borg’ going around and absorbing technology, every sidechain is a blockchain and blockchain partnership.