Happy Monday everyone! We hope you had a great weekend.

As always we are helping ease you back into the working week with a round-up of last week’s main event industry news, including any interesting stories and insights that can help you improve yourself, your company, or your events.



Scotland to ‘Innovate the Nation’

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VisitScotland Business Events has launched a new national ambassador network that it hopes will bring together experts, influencers and the next generation of innovators.

How to Double Your Ticket Sales Without Increasing Spend

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Conversion Rate Optimisation is a popular and effective way to increase sales, and doesn’t require you spending more money to achieve those gains. Read our guide for how to get started with CRO and unlock its potential for your events.


Facebook Releases a Snapchat-like App That’s Only for Teenagers

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Created by a 19-year-old Product Manager, this video-centric app is aiming to woo teenagers back to Facebook with another standalone app called Lifestage.


Research: Delegating More Can Increase Your Earnings

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It’s well-known that delegating as a manager is an essential task you have to master, but there’s scant evidence to quantify the benefits. Well now there is thanks to this just released report.

(Check out our guide on How to Delegate Your Way to Success for some tips on getting delegation right)

The Secret to Becoming Exactly Who You Want to Be

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What’s the secret to becoming exactly who you want to be? Stop focusing on becoming. It’s the wrong objective. Instead, do the work you were put on this earth to do.


Why on Earth is Google Building a New Operating System from Scratch?

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Last week, a group of Googlers did something strange: They quietly revealed a new operating system that theoretically competes with Google’s own Android OS.

Dubbed Fuchsia, the open-source OS-in-progress could run on everything from lightweight, single-purpose devices (think ATMs and GPS units) all the way up to desktop computers. Here’s what you need to know.

The 34 Most Disruptive Technologies of the Next Decade

Research firm Gartner released its annual report this week on hype in technology, sharing which technologies are up-and-coming, which are at peak hype, and which have moved well into mainstream territory. Inc introduces some of the less familiar ones in this article.


Hamster version of ‘Super Mario’ takes cute to the next level

Classic Mario? Cute hamster? That’s a double-tick for this 30-second slice of Monday afternoon distraction. Enjoy!