For most industries, millennials make a huge chunk of the demographic. This is the 18-34 age group that have very specific wants that businesses must cater to if they want to win over their loyalty.

If you’re hosting an upcoming event, then it must be tailored towards millennials if you hope to nurture them to create long-term consumers.

  1. Incorporate the latest technology

Millennials are very tech-oriented. Even the oldest within the group (in their early-30s) can hardly remember the pre-Internet days. With that in mind, your event should feature some of the latest technological innovations. Instead of paper flyers, handouts, and banners, opt for digital alternatives, such as signage systems and interactive kiosks.

Even the registration process should be streamlined where guests can sign in via digital monitor or tablet. Put it this way: the less pen and paper involved the better.

  1. Make it mobile friendly

You can bet that the typical millennial has a smartphone. Include ways in which smart devices can be incorporated into the event. One way is to create a customised event app that users can download. This enables attendees to have their own digital schedule that they can personalise based on the booths, lectures and workshops they wish to attend.

Another way is to make use of QR codes. The codes can be placed in strategic areas, such as the front entrance of lecture halls and tradeshow booths. Sponsors and presenters can also include a QR code on their name tag that guests can scan if they want to learn more about the individuals and the company they represent.

  1. Integrate social media

Millennials are more active on social media than ever. You can use this to your advantage for generating a trending discussion on social networks. A Twitter wall is a classic way of getting this done. There should be a Twitter wall in the most visible areas of the venue, such as the lobby, reception station, and even next to restrooms if there are people lining up to use the loo. When people see what their fellow attendees are tweeting, they’ll more likely jump on the bandwagon and include their own tweet.

Here’s another creative idea: also consider a selfie wall where everyone in attendance can see the selfies taken at the event as they are uploaded in real time. Be sure to remind everyone that both tweets and selfies should be accompanied by the event hashtag.

  1. Make it interactive

Millennials aren’t the most patient bunch. Yes, they want to be informed, but they equally want to be entertained. The way to do this is to make the event interactive. If all your event has is a series of lectures and seminars, that’s going to put millennials off.

So how can you create an interactive atmosphere? First, there should be a lot of interactivity from the get-go. Start with an icebreaker; this is important because it puts guests in a position where they have to put away their phones for once and actually interact face-to-face. This is an art millennials are gradually forgetting.

You can also include group events and team-based exercises. If you’re hosting a gaming convention, for instance, then perhaps at some point you can divide guests into groups with a staff member as facilitator. This can be a fun and informal discussion session where guests share their input on the type of games they would like to see more of in the future from developers.

Aside from creating casual dialogue among like-minded consumers, this also benefits you because you acquire valuable data about your demographics’ preferences.

  1. Games galore

People like games. Games are another way of creating an interactive experience. Booths can include a number of games with promotional gear as giveaway prizes. There are a number of simple yet fun games you can incorporate. Some to consider include:

  • Roulette wheel
  • Darts
  • Scratchers
  • Plinko
  • Duck shooting

Gamification can also incorporate technology. Digital signage and interactive kiosks were mentioned earlier. You can develop customised games that encourage engagement while promoting your brand at the same time. Many companies have devised clever games out of a simple kiosk. Coca-Cola created a really cool one where a kiosk was implemented inside a movie theater.

The kiosk included a screen featuring actors breaking out dance moves that viewers could stand in front of and recreate. If completed successfully, they get a free coke dispensed from an adjoining vending machine. You can check out this video right here.

  1. Is your event eco-friendly?

Millennials more than any other group are concerned about the carbon footprint the world is creating. Are you making any effort whatsoever to minimise your environmental impact? As was previously mentioned, your event should move away from paper flyers and banners and digitise as much as possible. Instead, make flyers downloadable with a quick QR scan. For lectures, instead of handing out accompanying material in paper form, provide the URL where everything can be accessed via smartphone.

You can also leave friendly reminders about recycling. Digital signage or kiosk systems not in use, for instance, can show a message reminding people to use the recycle bin for bottles and cans. Such a simple move on your end will rub most millennials the right way.

Speak their language

You really have to be able to step into the millennials’ shoes and know what it is they’re looking for in a product or service. Often times, it’s not just said product or service but also the business’ ethics and company practice that millennials take into consideration when deciding which brand to do business with.