Attract attendees with an on-point event theme. It doesn’t have to be outlandish, but it does have to be eye-catching.

Here’s a list of event theme ideas to spark your creativity – from ambitious themes to intimate affairs.

Table of contents

Sports event themes

Art event themes

Tech and science event themes

Community event themes

Food and drink event themes

Creative event themes

Corporate event themes

Party event themes

Carnival event themes

Sports event themes

Unite children and adults of all ages for active fun. Many of these events can use outdoor spaces and work well as virtual event theme ideas.

Event theme #1: 5K

5Ks are a classic way to engage those with a competitive spirit. But as an add-on to a conference, festival, or another big event, they can help draw new audiences, including folks of all ages looking to be active. Host a 5K at a park, on a trail, or through your city streets. Or, opt for a virtual 5K where participants run at a time and on a course that suits them.

Doing it right: Superfly Running Inc. sponsors 5Ks from Tampa, Florida to Lansing, Michigan.

Event theme #2: Aerial arts

Hire aerial artists – like trapeze artists – to perform on colourful strands of silks. They fill the atmosphere with a lively, choreographed theatre that all ages will enjoy. Host this event in a theatre, gym, or ballroom, and livestream it for anyone who can’t attend in person.

Event theme #3: _____athon

Walkathon, bikeathon, bakeathon, sewathon, readathon – any “athon” creates a sense of community. Use your imagination and get participants of all ages involved in a goal-setting experience that will bond them together – and to your event. The venue will depend on the type of event you choose. Host a virtual “athon” to expand your event’s reach.

Event theme #4: Ice skating

Rent out a skating rink for an any-season immersion into winter goodness for children and adults. Hot chocolate, anyone?

Event theme #5: Roller skating

Nothing says “icebreaker” like learning to roller skate all over again. Rent a local rink and invite participants to make fools of themselves – all in good fun.

Event theme #6: Stunt show

Hire stunt artists to perform feats of daring that dazzle your audience. Find a venue that’s safe for these daredevils to perform. You can share videos of the event or its livestream to expand its visibility beyond your venue.

Art event themes

Celebrate local artists and inspire creativity in your attendees with these art event themes. Get ready to engage your attendees’ inner artists.

Event theme #7: Aroma immersion

Smells can create strong nostalgic and emotional connections for people. Hire essential oil vendors and therapists to concoct an aromatic ambiance for your event. This event will appeal primarily to adults looking to add a lovely touch to their homes.

Event theme #8: Arts and crafts stations

Set up DIY arts and crafts stations where attendees can mix, mingle, and make. If you expect an all-ages audience, offer crafts for children and adults. Transform a gym, conference room, or community centre into the makerspace you need.

 Doing it right: CraftJam, organising craft workshops like “Learn the Art of Glass Etching” and “Master Modern Tapestry Weaving” nearly every day in NYC.

Event theme #9: Art tour

Don’t have a venue? Invite your attendees on an art walk of local galleries and studio spaces. A civic cultural immersion is a powerful way to connect your event with your local business community. Set up a virtual art tour where participants can click through images showcasing works from local galleries.

Event theme #10: Digital caricatures

Hire an artist talented at rendering likenesses on a tablet, and let guests have their caricatures drawn for charity or profit. Long-distance guests can submit their photos to have their digital caricature made.

Event theme #11: Interactive canvas

Build a giant interactive wall where participants can write, draw, or graffiti via supplied tablets. Give them projects like “write a poem in under one minute” or “draw a selfie.” You’ll need ample open space for this event, which you can tailor to children or adults.

Event theme #12: Creator art fair

Invite local artists to show their work and raise money for your cause (and local art). This is a great seasonal theme (think holiday bazaar) but can work any time of the year.

Doing it right: The Sausalito Art Festival is a decades-old Labour Day weekend tradition, just outside of San Francisco, which features art displays, live music, and food and drink.

Tech and Science Event Themes

Whether you’re celebrating the best of social media or showcasing a high-tech installation, tech and science event themes have mass appeal. These ideas work well for teens and adults who always have a device within reach.

Event theme #13: Augmented reality

Enlist augmented reality (AR) technology to embellish games and activities. AR technology doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Snapchat custom geofilters, which are sure to be a hit among teens and adults, are one example of how AR is achievable for all event creators.

Event theme #14: Influencer spotlight

Do you work with influencers who can help spread the word about your events with their powerful social media presence? Hosting an event that spotlights an influencer has a one-two punch: it thanks them for their partnership and gets the attention of their fans and followers. These events work well in many venues, including outdoor spaces, coffee shops, and conference rooms. You can record the event and share it online to extend its reach.

Event theme #15: Interactive games

Gamification is a compelling way to get attendees engaged. Using technology, you can orchestrate a digitally run trivia game, for instance. Or plan a family treasure hunt with an app that provides clues. The venue will depend on your game choice, so decide whether you need a large open space or a virtual environment to host.

Doing it right: Urban Adventure Quest hosts smartphone-guided scavenger hunts around Hollywood.

Event theme #16: Livestream

When you promise a live video of your event, you create a few opportunities:

  • An invite to participate in a powerful live event that might go viral
  • A way to engage people with your brand even if they can’t make it to the physical event
  • Material to post across your social media channels

Event theme #17: Throwback video arcade

Rent retro video games from any era for an analog video arcade that will inspire deep nostalgia for a simpler time. Plus, it’ll introduce the younger generation to new-to-them games. This all-ages event can take place at any venue with ample space for the consoles.

Community Event Themes

Build a sense of community while promoting your brand. These community event theme examples offer fun for all ages.

Event theme #18: Animal guests

Team up with a local animal shelter for an ad-hoc adoption event. Adorable dogs and cats get the warm and fuzzy vibes going strong. Children and adults alike will delight at this event, which can take place at the animal shelter, a community centre, a pet supplies store, or a park. And think of all the adorable photos you can post on social media! Plus, you can post the animals online to host a virtual adoption for people who may not be able to attend. 

Doing it right: Austin’s Music Lane hosted a Halloween-themed dog adoption event that partnered with the Austin Humane Society.

Event theme #19: Back in time

Choose an iconic era – the Swinging ’20s, Disco ’70s, Grungy ’90s – and invite participants to come in costume. Nostalgic throwback parties offer many opportunities for on-theme cocktails, music, and décor. Host an evening adults-only event at a swanky ballroom or restaurant, or make it a daytime family-themed party at a community centre.

Event theme #20: Block party

Take your event outside and team up with local businesses for a bigger bash than you might throw on your own. The festive atmosphere and combined talents make for a monumental party that families will surely enjoy.

Doing it right: Lexington, Kentucky’s Greyline Station hosts a monthly block party with food and drink vendors and live music.

Event theme #21: Campfire storytelling

Take the trend of storytelling nights to the next level with a campfire-themed storytelling session. Participants gather in small groups and elaborate on a theme. It’s an intimate and inspiring way to get people brainstorming and working together.

Event theme #22: Carnival

Rides, amusements, games of chance, sugary treats, and eclectic prizes – a homespun carnival can be a colourful affair for children and adults alike. It’s impossible not to have fun, so this is a sure-fire way to get participants revved up. Find a large space such as a car park, park, or local fairground to host the event.

Event theme #23: Celebrity fête

Wrangle a celebrity to be the face of your event. It doesn’t have to be Cher – local and niche “celebrities” bring devoted followings of their own. Let the celeb be the event’s emcee, and offer a meet-and-greet for guests. The celebrity you choose will dictate the audience you want to attract.

Event theme #24: Charity photo booth

Invite participants to donate a fee to have their photo taken in a tricked-out photo booth. Offer props and costumes, flattering lighting, and a professional photographer to make it worth their while. You don’t need a big space to set up an impressive photo booth, and this event appeals to all ages.

Event theme #25: DIY adventures

Let your participants “design their own event” and co-create the agenda. They can showcase a skill, teach fellow participants how to make something, or initiate a discussion on an important topic. Give participants a spot on the agenda to tap into their knowledge and inspiration to create a dynamic, hands-on good time.

Event theme #26: Community clean-up

Gather a gang to tackle a community clean-up project. This is a great way to team-build while accomplishing a noble task – and getting great PR. Plus, this event theme doesn’t require a venue and appeals to people of all ages. You can even host a virtual clean-up that allows participants to clean up their nearby communities.

Doing it right: The Ward 8 Woods Conservancy in Washington, DC, hosted a community clean-up to beautify local areas.

Event theme #27: Company house

An activation is an interactive brand experience that promotes a product or service while engaging with customers. A retailer, for instance, might design a pop-up shop at a festival where event-goers can try on items or work with a stylist. Design a company house using a large tent to house the activities and design an immersive, branded experience for guests to enjoy.

Event theme #28: Community drive

Collect items for a community in need – canned food, toys, household goods. Drives are a lovely way to bring people of all ages together with a sense of camaraderie toward a worthy goal. You’ll need a collection location for donations, as simple as a park or car park. Sponsor a virtual drive that encourages people from other locations to donate to a worthy cause in their area.

Event theme #29: Dance party

Go full bacchanalia with an immersive, joyful dance party. Within this theme, there are so many niche ideas you can run with. (Morning dance jam! All-night swing dancing! Silent disco!) When choosing party event themes, consider your target demographic.

Doing it right: Daybreaker offers attendees a morning dance party to kick-start their pre-work morning.

Event theme #30: Open jam

Provide instruments – or let participants bring their own – for both impromptu and guided music-making sessions. The instruments don’t have to be fancy, either. Upturned buckets and tin cans will do! This all-ages event needs some open space where participants can rock out.

Event theme #31: Domestic safari

Rent out an animal sanctuary such as Safari West in Sonoma County, California, and treat your guests to an exotic experience among the giraffes and rhinos. You can create a similar family-friendly experience at any local zoo.

Event theme #32: Drive-in movie

Install a giant screen, or find a building with a big blank wall, and project a classic or cult movie. Invite participants to bring picnics, or combine this idea with a food van roundup or another foodie event. The film you select will dictate the crowd you attract, so choose wisely.

Doing it right: The Bel Air Downtown Alliance in Maryland hosts holiday-themed drive-in movies during the Christmas season.

Event theme #33: Fashion show

Have company t-shirts to sell? Ask members of your company leadership to model them on a makeshift catwalk – a fun and campy way to raise funds and entertain a crowd, all in the comfort of your office. Livestream the show on your social media pages to build interest.

Event theme #34: Festival

Bring together local businesses, musicians, artists, makers, sellers, mixologists, and chefs for a bountiful good time. You’ll need some open outdoor space to host a festival that welcomes folks from all backgrounds and ages.

Doing it well: EatDrinkSF is an annual food, wine, and spirits festival in San Francisco.

Event theme #35: Dragon’s Den chat

Corporate event themes can include this innovative format for panel discussions where a circle of attendees can discuss a theme. Extroverts and joiners may choose to participate, while introverts stay outside the circle and contribute only if they feel inclined.

Event theme #36: Fortune telling

Enlist tarot card readers, clairvoyants, and vintage-style fortune-telling machines to tell your audience members’ futures. This adult-friendly activity can be incorporated into a larger event like a carnival or stand alone as a fun afternoon or evening.

Event theme #37: Hot air balloon rides

Contact your local hot air balloon outfitter and give your attendees the thrill of their lifetime. The company can advise you on where to take off from and how many people you can accommodate.

Event theme #38: Movie or TV show theme

Pick a popular or cult movie or TV show and model your event on that theme. HBO did a bang-up job of this with the Live Without Limits Weekend at SXSW Music Festival – a Westworld-inspired immersion into an alternate reality. If you choose an adult movie or show, make this an adults-only event.

Event theme #39: Noisy raffle

The opposite of a silent auction (see below), the noisy raffle is a raucous good time where participants vie for the honour of purchasing desirable prizes. Those prizes can be objects of wonder, unique experiences, or opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise have; the only limit is your imagination. Attract willing bidders to this event, which you can host in any open community space.

Event theme #40: Open mic

Invite audience members up on stage to tell stories, sing songs, crack jokes, or perform in other creative ways. A coffee shop or small theatre can work as your venue, and you can gear this event toward children, adults, or both.

Event theme #41: Play dress-up

Halloween any time of year: Invite participants to dress to a theme or their wildest imagination. A costume party can be adults-only or family-friendly. Showcase standout costumes on social media to add a virtual component.

Event theme #42: Playground

Create a playground for adults. Swings, slides, jungle gyms, and balance beams allow grownups to get their stress out. Set up this playground in a park or gym for some old-school fun.

Event theme #43: Roast

Nope, not a pig roast (although that’s not a bad idea either). In this case, we’re talking about a comedy roast – when you put a beloved figure on stage and let people poke fun. You’ll need a willing participant and a venue that can seat a crowd. Stick with an adult crowd in case the commentary gets a little PG.

Event theme #44: Slumber party

They may not sleep, but this all-night affair draws participants in their pyjamas to mix and mingle in a casual milieu. Decide whether you want to host families, adults only, or teens at this event.

Event theme #45: Treasure hunt

Use gamification or simple paper clues to lead groups of participants on a treasure hunt for prizes. Take it beyond your venue and make it an urban adventure – you might have participants search for civic landmarks, for instance. All ages can enjoy this event, but if you’re including children, keep the clues easy enough that they can help. Post the clues online so participants can participate at a time that works for them.

Event theme #46: Trivia night

Participants team up to answer trivia questions, with the winning group getting a prize. It’s a simple concept and so much fun for adults. Host trivia night at a pub or restaurant so attendees can dine while they play.

Food and drink event themes

Many event themes call for food and drink, so why not make it the centre of your next event? While coffee- and alcohol-inspired events might call for adults only, many food events offer family-friendly fun. Host these events outdoors or at a local pub or restaurant.

Event theme #47: Cocktail workshop

Enlist a pro mixologist to teach participants how to make specialty drinks. Invite big-brand or small-batch distillers to sponsor your event. Livestream the cocktail-making demonstration to add a virtual component to the event.

Event theme #48: Coffee klatch

“Let’s talk about it over coffee.” Bring in professional baristas and their machines as the backdrop for your business, educational, or cultural conversations. Adults can sip on their favourite brews while learning something new.

Event theme #49: Food truck roundup

This type of pop-up foodie fest is always sure to draw a crowd. You can add live music and children’s activities to the mix to make it a fun family affair. A car park or park is a convenient spot to host this event.

Doing it right: Durham Central Park welcomes food vans, craft breweries, and live music for family fun.

Event theme #50: Locavore feast

Craft a foodie event for adults focused exclusively on local farmers, chefs, and vendors. Offer up a seasonal theme: Summer Bounty, Fall Harvest, Winter Canning, Spring Gardening.

Event theme #51: Lunch club

Ladies Who Lunch? How about Runners Who Lunch? Or Entrepreneurs Who Lunch? Or Hobbyists Who Lunch? The variations are endless. And who doesn’t love lunch? Pick a new restaurant for every lunch to give adults with shared interests a spot to converse and dine.

Event theme #52: Make-your-own-chocolate workshop

Enlist a chocolatier (or a suite of them) to lead participants through the timeless art of making chocolate confections. Or, host this workshop virtually, allowing participants to make sweet delicacies from home.

Event theme #53: Pancake breakfast

Raise funds, raise awareness. Most importantly, raise fun with a good old-fashioned pancake breakfast the whole family can enjoy. A community centre, gym, or school hall makes a great spot.

Event theme #54: Regional cuisine

Choose a region and use it as a theme for food, drinks, entertainment, education, and more. Have a caterer or local chef create a regional menu and serve guests of all ages.

Event theme #55: Retro potluck

Invite guests to bring dishes (and dress up) with a nostalgic theme. The ’50s works well for this, with its Bakelite dishware, jello moulds, endless casseroles, and vintage aprons.

Event theme #56: Tea party

Plan a polished affair with tea leaves, delicate finger sandwiches, and pinkie fingers lifted as participants sip daintily from fine china. While your tea party guests will likely be adults, make it a kid-friendly event with paper plates and childhood favourites.

Event theme #57: Cook-off

Baked goods or chilli, anyone? Invite guests to contribute their best culinary efforts to a good-natured rivalry. Let participants of all ages sample the food and vote on a winner.

Sophisticated Event Themes

Discover creative ideas that add a touch of class to your next event. These are ideal corporate event themes; some work best with an adult-only crowd.

Event theme #58: Garden party

Croquet, giant chess, badminton – fancy, old-fashioned garden games inspire people to dress up and be on their best behaviour. A park or garden is an ideal setting for this elegant occasion.

Event theme #59: Global citizens

Orchestrate a festival, fair, or market featuring goods and foods from all over the world. Invite people from different cultures who live in your community to showcase their favourite traditional dishes, dances, and other cultural markers.

Event theme #60: Honour a special guest

Organise a fete that puts the spotlight on a special someone within your team or community while also honouring the audience with good food and entertainment.

Event theme #61: Speed events

Speed-dating, speed-networking, speed-storytelling – there are many variations on the “do it fast” theme. They all share one thing in common: an exciting, stimulating vibe adults will love.

Event theme #62: Masquerade ball

Participants come wearing masks and dressed in ornate costumes. This adult-friendly event is a throwback to another era where music, dancing, and flirtation went on late into the night. Host it in a hotel ballroom or community centre that you can transform into an elegant space.

Event theme #63: Meet the expert

Hand the mic to someone participants are eager to hear from in a relevant or unique field. This dynamic meeting format allows audience members to ask questions and hobnob with heroes. Offer a virtual component that lets participants watch a livestream and submit questions using an online chat feature.

Event theme #64: Outdoor ballet

Enlist a local ballet company for a unique performance at a local farm, park, or other outdoor space. Choreograph the ballet to a seasonal theme and bring in food stalls or other vendors to keep the audience fed and happy. This all-ages event can attract a crowd.

Event theme #65: Cruise

Rent a trusty ship and cruise around your local body of water with a rapt captive audience. Adult event-goers will bond while afloat on the water, whether it’s a dinner cruise, cocktail cruise, or simply a cruise.

Event theme #66: Pop-up shop

Pop-up shops have become so trendy that they’re the norm now. Create a new spot in a temporary structure (or local rented space) designed to showcase your product, experience, or brand. Team up with others, and you have a pop-up market that shoppers will love.

Doing it right: Black Bells Boutique in Baltimore hosted a pop-up shop and vendor market for local businesses.

Event theme #67: Q&A

Allow your audience to ask questions about your brand, products, services, thought leadership, and more. Set up a panel of in-house experts the public doesn’t usually have access to, and livestream the event to broaden your reach.

Event theme #68: Roundtable

A roundtable discussion is an opportunity to workshop an idea or break through on a stuck point. Typically, participants agree on a topic to discuss and deliberate. A moderator makes sure everyone gets their say.

Event theme #69: Secret location

Build buzz for your event by refusing to disclose the location until the last minute, when only those who hold tickets will find out where to go. This super-exclusive party is irresistible to those who love to be a part of cool new things. Make sure the venue is worth keeping a secret. Host the event at a rooftop lounge overlooking the city or a chic restaurant that’s hard to get into.

Event theme #70: Silent auction

Unlike a rowdy raffle, a silent auction is a dignified, low-pressure affair. Participants cruise the room at their own speed and discreetly place bids on items they like. Post the goods up for grabs online and secure bids from afar using a virtual bidding website.

Event theme #71: Silent event

Attendees don headphones so they can hear the music or seminar or workshop or you name it. The general vibe is super chill, so this can be an innovative way to orchestrate a big event in a small space.

Event theme #72: Wellness fair

Curate an event that brings in wellness practitioners, products, and other such brands. Adults come to learn how they can better take care of themselves. Who doesn’t want to feel good?

Creative event theme ideas

The more creative your event, the more enticing it can be. Check out these creative event ideas that are memorable for guests of all ages.

Event theme #73: Hollywood glamour

Roll out a red carpet and welcome guests to a glamorous affair. Encourage your adult guests to dress their best, and offer food, drink, and music at a venue that you can jazz up with elegant décor.

Event theme #74: Spa day

Offer a day of pampering with a spa-themed event. Design a sheet mask facial bar, play soothing music, and hire some nail techs to give manicures. Serve coffee, mimosas, and light snacks to your adult-only crowd.

Event theme #75: Denim and diamonds

Host a denim and diamonds party that encourages guests to wear their favourite denim and add a little sparkle. A restaurant or ballroom is a suitable venue for this event, which can include a plated dinner or appetisers and cocktails.

Event theme #76: Make-your-own bouquet

Bring in a local florist to set up a variety of flowers. Invite guests with a green thumb – or those willing to learn – to create beautiful bouquets they can take home.

Event theme #77: Heroes vs. villains

Costume parties are just more fun. Host a heroes vs. villains event that encourages guests to come dressed up as their favourite movie or comic book character. This theme works well for children and adults. Remember to award prizes for the top costumes!

Event theme #78: Book bash

Another costume-party twist is a book bash that encourages attendees to dress as their favourite book characters. Challenge guests to guess who’s who. This event works for all ages, so consider your target audience when sending invites.

Corporate event theme ideas

When planning a corporate event, ensure the right mix of fun and professional. Check out these event theme ideas that’ll bring colleagues together.

Event theme #78: Murder mystery

Challenge your colleagues to solve a mystery. A murder mystery party promotes teamwork and encourages everyone to work toward a shared goal.

Event theme #79: Tailgate party

Support your local team with a parking lot tailgate party leading up to a big game day. Encourage employees to don their team gear and fire up the grill to offer lunch to all.

Event theme #80: Casino night

Transform your office park into a casino with favourite games like blackjack and roulette. Serve drinks and snacks during the event.

Event theme #80: Afternoon happy hour

Celebrate the end of the week with a Friday afternoon happy hour. Offer alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages at the end of the workday so that employees in a certain industry can relax after a busy week.

Event theme #81: Spruce up the office

Bring employees from offices around the building together to spruce up the office grounds. Plant new flowers, pull up weeds, and pick up trash at this environmentally friendly event.

Event theme #81: Painting party

Bring in an artist to offer a guided painting lesson for your team. Supply the canvases, paint, and paintbrushes, and let every employee go home with a handcrafted piece of art.

Event theme #81: Share your skill

Do you have any employees with some secret skills? Let them showcase their talent at a share-your-skill day. Give willing employees the stage where they can teach a class, show off a talent, and more.

Event theme #82: Escape room

Take your employees to an escape room – or set one up in your office – for team-building fun. They’ll work together to solve the mystery and escape.

Event theme #83: Virtual reality

Bring in some headsets and host a virtual reality day at work. Employees can step away from their desks and enjoy virtual fun to alleviate stress.

Event theme #84: Live band karaoke

What’s better than karaoke? Singing in front of a live band like a true rock star! Hire a local band to play cover songs, and let employees take the mic and sing along.

Event theme #85: Cooking class

Have a local chef teach employees a new recipe at work. They can work together to create the dish and then enjoy it for lunch.

Party event theme ideas

Plan an unforgettable party with these creative event themes, which work for people of all ages. Let the theme inspire your décor, menu, and even costumes.

Event theme #86: Luau

Host a Hawaiian-inspired luau complete with tropical décor, music, and food. Hand out leis for guests to wear. If you can find an outdoor venue on the water, it can lend a beachy vibe to your event.

Event theme #87: Glow party

Find an indoor venue where you can turn the lights down and have a glowing good time. Encourage guests to wear neon, and hand out glow sticks and necklaces. Music and strobe lights are a must.

Event theme #88: Glamping

Why camp when you can glamp? Set up an indoor glamping experience complete with well-decorated tents, cosy mattresses, and an indoor s’mores bar – no campfire required. This event idea can be a fun sleepover for children too.

Event theme #89: Water games

Warm weather, an open outdoor space, and some water games are all people need to soak up some fun. You can rent inflatable water slides or foam machines for this all-ages event.

Event theme #90: Oktoberfest

Get in the fall spirit by hosting an Oktoberfest celebration with good beer, German food, and costumes. Throw in some carnival games if you want to design an all-ages event that children can enjoy.

Event theme #91: Hoedown

Host a hoedown at an indoor or outdoor venue such as a community centre or park. Hire a line-dancing instructor to teach group dances, and encourage guests to wear their country best.

Event theme #92: Summer camp

Use summer camp games as your inspiration for this throwback event, perfect for hosting at a park. Set up a kickball field, and challenge children and adults to sack races, three-legged races, and capture the flag.

Event theme #93: Winter wonderland

Host a winter-inspired bash featuring snowflake décor, ice sculptures, and sparkling decorative accents. This party theme can be casual or formal, depending on your crowd.

Event theme #94: Bonfire night

Gather around the fire pit for spooky stories and roasted marshmallows. Keep stories not-so-scary if you’re including children.

Carnival theme event ideas

A carnival is a classic event theme that people of all ages enjoy. Make your event stand out with these creative ideas.

Event theme #95: Haunted carnival

Perfect for spooky season, a haunted carnival adds some ghoulish fun to the carnival. Feature a haunted house that guests can enter – if they dare – along with carnival games.

Event theme #96: Candyland

Create a magical Candyland with colourful decorations and candy-themed games at your carnival. Don’t forget to hand out sweet treats as prizes.

Event theme #97: Olympic games

Host an Olympics-inspired carnival with patriotic décor and games inspired by Olympic events. Challenge attendees to the long jump, 100-yard dash, and more.

Event theme #98: Superheroes

Centre your carnival games on superheroes, and encourage guests to come dressed as their favourite characters.

Event theme #99: Costume carnival

Encourage guests to dress up for a costume carnival to add even more fun to your festive event.

Event theme #100: Christmas carnival

Hosting a carnival around Christmas? Use it as your inspiration for décor, showcasing the colours and characters of the season. Encourage guests to come dressed in festive holiday attire.

Host an unforgettable event your guests will love

A unique and unforgettable event is achievable if you make it authentic to your brand. Add originality by finding a venue that aligns with your event – will it be a traditional or unconventional space?

Whether you need in-person or online event theme ideas, we’ve got you covered. Check out Eventbrite Academy to learn how to craft the ultimate event experience.