In order to ADAB Solutions as a crypto currency project to be Halal, it is planned to implement the following measures:

The development of the project will be based on the entrepreneurial efforts of the organizers and their work. According to the norms of Islamic ethics, it is right that the source of wealth is own labor inputs and the entrepreneurial efforts.

First Islamic Crypto Exchange will completely exclude the possibility of speculative transactions, margin trading and operations that do not correspond to Shariah. This will exclude the Gharar and Maisir and Riba from the work of the Exchange.

FICE platform able to handle 3 million requests per second, making FICE the one of the fastest crypto exchanges. Users of FICE will be guaranteed that their applications will never be suspended due to congestion of the platform.

ADAB Solutions is founded to create a platform for halal projects, to work in a full compliance with the norms of Islam and Islamic finance. Our task is to help Muslims and the community of crypto-investors to understand what in the market the cryptocurrencies is compliant with the Shariah rules and what does not.

ADAB Solutions proceeds from the fact that this project will generally benefit the market, since halal projects in their essence have utility and value, and their definition will contribute to the development of useful ideas and a decrease in the number of projects in the market, which are haram in its essence.



The importance of the Adab Solutions project for participants and its uniqueness:

  • The Adab Solutions project has no analogues in the world. Today, there is not a single cryptocurrency platform or a crypto exchange, which would guarantee activities based on Shariah. Adab Solutions will be the first project that will allow performing cryptocurrency transactions in accordance with the principles of Islamic finance and on the basis of Shariah norms.
  • The Adab Solutions project is aimed to a huge  audience of 1.8 billion potential Muslim users of the cryptocurrency market.
  • Projectibility of the project. The Adab Solutions project is designed in accordance with the highest security standards and has unique technical features of key software solutions.
  • The Adab Solutions project forms a system of values ​​based on Shariah norms and principles of Islamic finance, which will become the basis for self-regulation of the cryptocurrency market and will increase the level of confidence in a key cryptocurrency instruments.
  • Full transparency of the Adab Solutions project. Transparency of the project and safe jurisdictions will make it possible to buy and sell cryptocurrencies for fiat money.
  • Objectives and mission of the project
  • The ADAB Solutions project is developing the FICE- First Islamic Crypto Exchange , based on the norms of Shariah.
  • The purpose of the ADAB Solutions project is the creation of a crypto -exchange platform, a stock exchange and services that comply with the norms of the Shariah and operate on the principles of Islam.
  • The mission of the ADAB Solutions project is to create conditions and services based on the high moral and cultural values ​​of Islam and provide access to all users of crypto economics.
  • The key task of ADAB Solutions is to create a structure that will establish new ethical standards for doing business in the industry.
  • ADAB - standards of behavior prescribed by the norms of the Shariah, including good manners, standards of decency, courtesy, humanity.
  • The name of ADAB Solutions is a big responsibility for the creators of the project.
  • ADAB is a way of life in Islam, which the founders of the project consider not only natural in everyday life, but an obligatory foundation of business relations.


Technical Info

  • The project is developed in compliance with the highest security standards.
  • FICE platform security will be provided by the best developers in the field of cybersecurity, including the high level of business transparency. Security Development Lifecycle(SDL), and all the field standards will be adopted. FICE will implement the threat modeling, and STRIDE analysis, statistical code analysis(SAST), dynamic program analysis(DAST) and a penetration test.
  • FICE will adopt standards of data encryption, recommended by the NIST(AES-256,SHA256/SHA3) and will not use proprietary cryptography. All the user data, including the internal traffic will be encrypted.



  • June 2017- September 2017
  • Beginning of the study of the cryptocurrency market in the Islamic community.
  • September 2017 - November 2017
  • Formation of goals and objectives to solve the problem of access of Muslim population
    to the cryptocurrency market.
  • December 2017 - May 2018
  • The development of the philosophy and mechanics of the exchange, based on the principles of
    the Islamic financial model.
  • September 2018 - November 2018
  • ICO to finance and promote the Islamic cryptocurrency exchange.
  • July 2018 - September 2018
  • Development of the program mechanism of the First Islamic Crypto Exchange.
  • October 2018 – December 2018
  • Registration of the First Islamic Crypto Exchange. Start of work on AdabCrypto (News Portal & Forum) and Adab Charity.
  • December 2018 – February 2019
  • Alfa release of the First Islamic Crypto Exchange, functionality and security check.
  • December 2018 – December 2019
  • Launch a large-scale marketing campaign, in order to attract new users on a large scale.
  • April 2019
  • Beta release of the Islamic Exchange First Islamic Crypto Exchange with the support of cross-platform trading clients.
  • July 2019
  • Official launch of the First Islamic Crypto Exchange.
  • June 2019 – December 2019
  • Expansion of the functional content of the First Islamic Crypto Exchange.
  • August 2019
  • Run Adab Charity.
  • December 2019 - July 2020
  • ormation, on the bases of ADAB Solutions platform and First Islamic Crypto Exchange, of a reliable and developed infrastructure based on the principles of Islamic finance.



  • Per 30 Days
Activity : 74 LOW
Posts : 81 VERY LOW
Views : 1 965 LOW
  • Per 30 Days
Activity : 74 LOW
Merit : 0 VERY LOW
Posts : 615 HIGH
Views : 6 914 MEDIUM
Users : 388 HIGH
  • Per 30 Days
Followers : 2 373 MEDIUM
Tweets : 357 HIGH
30 Days Growth : -1
  • Per 30 Days
Members : 113 VERY LOW
30 Days Growth : -4


  • Verified 82%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Bonus Structure
Private sale: - 25%
Pre ICO: - 15%

ICO 1st week: - 12%
ICO 3nd week: - 7%
End of ICO: - 5%
Token Details
Total supply
18700000 USD
Token Distribution
For the development: - 21.00%
Equipment, Software: - 24.00%
Marketing (including forum, portal): - 20.00%
Unforeseen and other expenses: - 12.00%
Operational costs: - 17.00%
Legal issues (including licenses, permits): - 4.00%
Consultation services: - 2.00%
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Additional Details
Yes , from Jul 25, 2018 till Oct 18, 2018
Platform, Cryptocurrency
Company Details
Registered Company Name
ADAB Solutions FZE
Registered Country
United Arab Emirates
Company Founded
May 15, 2018