Dogecoin’s (DOGE) massive rally to $0.45 propelled it to a market capitalization of over $54 billion to make it the fifth most valuable cryptocurrency by market cap.

This lofty market cap comes as a surprise to many since the project has no active developers and is only a meme coin, thus the current rally brings back memories of the excesses seen during the ICO boom in 2017.

Rallies like the one seen in Dogecoin indicate that several traders have entered the fray and are looking to get rich overnight. The only positive sign is that the mania has not spread to other coins. If it does, then the crypto markets are likely to witness a sharp correction in order to shake out the weak hands.

CNBC host Jim Cramer has become one of the first well-known people to reveal that he closed half of his Bitcoin 


tickers down


 position. While Cramer’s selling is an isolated event, it does warn that not all professional investors who have recently turned Bitcoin believers are going to be long-term HODLers.


c9848a0c-5d84-404d-b61d-83399c0270c1.png Daily cryptocurrency market performance. Source: Coin360

If the institutional investors rush to the exit, it could cause a huge correction in several cryptocurrencies. Traders should be mindful of irrational exuberance and avoid being sucked into FOMO-driven trades as it's better to stick to a trading plan and think long-term rather than dream of overnight riches.

Let’s study the charts of the top-10 cryptocurrencies to identify the critical support levels and outline various bullish and bearish scenarios.