Are you taking advantage of all the free event promotional tools available to you on Eventbrite?

If not, now’s the time to discover that Eventbrite is much more than a platform for event organisers to sell tickets through, it’s also packed full of free event promotional tools too!

Here are 5 super-useful tools which can help you maximise attendance at every event in 2015. Whether you’re planning a private party for friends, a large gig or a workshop for SMBs, these kickass tools will turn you into an event marketing whizz.

What are they?

  1. Customised event pages
  2. Email marketing
  3. The mobile app
  4. Tracking links
  5. Data analytics

Let’s dig into them a bit more!


Your event page is your shop window, so it makes sense that it’s as eye-catching as possible. On Eventbrite you can actually design your page so that it reflects your brand or the event you’re holding. You can include logos and images, change the colour, add custom headers and footers, and if you know CSS & HTML, you can create completely bespoke one-off designs.

Here are 13 great examples of organisers who have used their creativity to make their page stand out.


Eventbrite makes it easy for you to communicate with attendees through an integrated mass email tool. You can send up to 2,000 emails per day to make sure guests have all the latest updates and information about your event, and to thank them for coming afterwards. If you need to send more messages, then we’ve partnered with powerful mass email app MailChimp (amongst others) to make sure your event marketing remains totally seamless.

Want to know whether your emails are reaching your audience? You can even do that, Eventbrite tracks open and conversion rates – find out more here.


Whether it’s managing your event while on the move or discovering which other events are on in your city, the Eventbrite app is a nifty free download for your smartphone, and it makes it easy for your potential event attendees to find out about you too. Marketing on the move has never been easier.

Organisers can also use the Neon app to keep track of ticket sales and when it comes to the big day, there’s no need for printouts of spreadsheets, as attendee info can be accessed via the app. There’s even the option to turn your phone into a scanner for ticket barcodes or simply click on guests’ names to check them in manually.


With Eventbrite’s capacity to create unique tracking links, you can easily check the performance of your event promotion. For example, create a specific URL for Twitter, another for Facebook and even customise URLs for different promoters to see who is having a greater impact.

The beauty of this, is that you can easily measure traffic to your event page and work out which avenues are the most successful for you to reach your target audience so, next time, you can be more efficient with your time (and budget).

Find out more here.


Once your event is over, take advantage of Eventbrite’s free data analytics and insights to help focus your efforts and make your next event even better.

All sorts of valuable information is collated for you; data about your audience, their age, where they’re from, sales by ticket type, peak sales, and even the time most people checked in so you can let your venue know when you expect the busiest point to be next time. All of this info is owned by you and can be downloaded to a spreadsheet to keep and learn from.

So, the question is, who needs a dedicated marketing pro when Eventbrite can help you become one yourself?

What are your favourite features and promotional tools that you use on Eventbrite?

For more information about everything Eventbrite, be sure to check out our Help Centre or sign-up for a free organiser account now!