The International Digital Assets Platform (IDAP) is the first self-contained ecosystem for the cryptocurrencies derivatives trading market. Contained within this ecosystem are the IDAP Exchange, the IDAP Desktop App with advanced trading tools and most importantly, crypto derivatives instruments by IDAP, for trading and investment. By bringing together individuals and institutions in need of risk management or with an eye at profit via risk acceptance, our goal is to become the most diverse crypto derivatives marketplace for buyers and sellers.

The volatility of the current crypto market has made it imperative that the issue of risk management and hedging options for crypto assets be addressed without delay. Traders being free to take long and short positions and to bet in both the bull and bear run of the market, thus being able to diversify and optimise their portfolio performance, are all made possible by the introduction of a highly diverse and wide range of multiple crypto based derivatives products, including Futures, Spreads, Swaps, Options and Crypto Indices. Moreover, the trading of these above mentioned financial instruments deepens the liquidity of the market, in effect stabilising the price points of the underlying crypto assets. This is what the IDAP ecosystem for crypto derivatives market trading has exclusively been built to achieve.

Our team of highly motivated professionals, possessing a robust academic background coupled with years of trading experience on world’s best exchanges like CME and ICE, identified the three pillars of success upon which the IDAP ecosystem will stand tall. First and foremost, is the extensive array of IDAP product offerings that include but are not limited to, crypto based outright futures, calendar spreads, butterfly spreads, American options, perpetual swaps, crypto indices and ETFs, that enable traders to hedge, speculate and invest, opening up a new realm of market possibilities. Secondly, is the IDAP exchange, a trading platform with low latency, high availability, housing an Institutional Grade Matching Engine with implied orders system, advanced OMS & SOR capabilities and FIX 4.2/4.4 protocol for HFTs, designed to be fault-tolerant and swift in its operations. Lastly, are IDAP’s advanced data visualisation and analytics tools, created for trader assistance in charting intraday, and historic time series data to gain insight into market trends, facilitating immediate action and thus forgoing the need for end-of-day reports.

The IDAP ecosystem is thereby going to be the comprehensive solution for traders. Harnessing all the advantages of the traditional trading market and distilling them to suit the cryptocurrency landscape, the IDAP ecosystem will offer a boost to the crypto market in the right direction. Our platform will redefine how exchanges operate and by attracting more traders via our various product offerings, we will expand the pool of participants fostering greater market liquidity and thereby contributing to its overall growth.



The IDAP Exchange is designed to operate at low latency, high throughput and maximum uptime. By incorporating geo-replication in its architecture, the exchange is built to be fault-tolerant, ensuring that the platform delivers a seamless and uninterrupted trading experience to its users. Below is a high level abstraction of the exchange architecture showing how the different systems within the exchange are connected logically.

The matching engine supports Direct Market Access (DMA), Central Limit Order Book (CLOB), Request for Quote (RFQ), Implied Orders functionality for futures market, fast price-time priority and pro-rata Orders Matching Algorithm, industry standard FIX-based interfaces for order management, advanced conditional orders like OCO (One-Cancels-the-Others), Brackets, icebergs orders and more. IDAP matching engine is a blazingly fast and highly scalable order matching server with throughput of more than 1 million transactions per second equipped with advanced risk controls.


Technical Info

IDAP’s market exchange trading platform is a proven fast, high-volume and low-latency exchange engine. This exchange platform will be hosted on high availability IT infrastructure, thus, enabling fault-tolerant architecture with guaranteed 99.995 percent uptime.

In order to provide a fault-tolerant architecture, a standby exchange setup has been planned with active data replication. This standby exchange will start as an active exchange, in case the primary exchange goes down due to any reason. Active geo-replication will provide database redundancy and a low-latency platform for the end-users. Geo targeted load-balanced environment for the trading front-end has also been planned for deployment. FIX clients will connect to the exchange using FIX routers connected to the exchange platform. Roadmap

  • Q4-2017 to Q1-2018
  • Ideation & conceptualisation of the IDAP ecosystem
    Detailed research and analysis conducted
    Core team built
    Advisory board formed
    Strategic partnerships made
  • Q2-2018
  • Website launch and Lite Paper release
    White Paper release
    Community building
    IDAP exchange platform development
    Company registration in Estonia
    Release of IDAP demo platform
    License procurement for derivatives trading and asset management
    Public voting for coins/tokens that will be listed on the live exchange
    Start of token presale
  • Q3-2018
  • Product architecture development and testing
    IDAP Trader front-end development
    Matching Engine and implied logic development
    Community building
    Advanced APIs integration and testing
    IDAP Exchange marketing
    Pre-sale closed
  • Q4-2018
  • Alpha version testing of Web App
    Alpha testing of IDAP Trader (Desktop Trading System)
    Internal testing of ladder UI and point-and-click functionality
    Testing of multi-instrument derivatives trading and conditional orders
  • Q1-2019
  • IDAP TestNet released
    Beta testing of Web Trading Interface
    Beta testing of IDAP Trader (Desktop Trading System)
    Final testing of order execution with implied logic on real-time market data
    Smart Order Routing and Risk Management System tested
  • Q2-2019
  • Spreads, butterfly and perpetual swaps available for major coins
    Implied logic for futures market enabled
    Master Account system with advanced RMS integration
    Customer Support Management system integrated
  • Q3-2019
  • Upgraded Customer Support System
    Testing of new derivative instruments: Indices derivatives and American Options
    Beta Testing of Synthetic Spread Creation feature
    Release of IDAP Trader 2.0
  • Q4-2019
  • Mobile App launched and Web App 2.0 with upgraded interface released
    Geo-replicated exchange architecture goes live
    IDAP APIs for FIX, REST, Binary, etc. integrated
  • Q1-2020
  • Options and Crypto Indices derivatives introduced
    Derivatives offerings extended for additional coins and tokens
    Opt-in portfolio management services introduced for OTC clients
  • Q2-2020
  • Hybrid derivatives trading protocol R&D continued
    R&D of on-chain settlement, security and performance
    R&D of off-chain order book and trade execution with on-chain settlement
