

  • Main features of the game:


Virtual Mining Opportunity
- Tradable hexogons inside and outside the game
- Collectible and limited game items
- Objects tokenization protocol inside the game
- All game assets inside the game can be tradable on external game exchanges




Worldopo is the world’s first mobile game combining AR, AI, Geolocation and Blockchain-technology. Players can buy plants (hexagons), build houses, factories and mining farms, customize their properties and interact with other players. Furthermore, implementing Blockchain in compelling gameplay with strong mainstream appeal provides an ideal environment to learn about Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies in a risk-free manner. The best thing: after years of development is that we have a working prototype that already avialable on Google Play and Apple Store.


  • RTS + AR + AI + geolocation = endless opportunities


Players are finally freed from the limitations of the screens on their mobile devises. The use of Augmented Reality (AR) and Geolocation makes it possible to actually “see” one’s in-game progress and interact with other players in real life. The introduction of a dedicated Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes positioning of large objects more precise than ever before.




By using google maps as the base of the game world, players have access to real world map. We divided all world on 11,62,681,248,842 hexagons. The introduction of its own cryptocurrency WPT as well as a platform to trade properties, makes Worldopo also a complex economic simulation. Finally, players can earn crypto while playing.




Players can form or join clans, finance unique projects together, raid other players, trade their properties, buy plants(hexagons), houses, factories, minig farms and items from other players. More than 150 different features make Worldopolo unique in mobile gaming.




Advantages of Blockchain-based games

We can list for a long time the advantages we found and what we integrated to Worldopo, so let’s see the most significant things in our opinion.

Ownership – players have real ownership for items and in-game currencies. As soon as something is bought, exchanged or sold, the record about transaction saves forever and it cannot be hacked. All your digital purchases will be really yours, and useful outside the game. Your game money can be stored on your wallet next to real money or other altcoins.

Valuable items are truly valuable – item value heavily depends on its uniqueness in lots of games, for example, Diablo game series. Here the item’s value is backed up also by tokenization, and its exchange or sale for both players is a real deal. Here you can conclude great deal, or not so good one (for example, selling a really valuable item (building, hexagons, etc.) for a cheap price and then watch as someone sells it in 10 times expensively.

Unique items are truly unique – the uniqueness of anything both in real and virtual worlds today provides a triple price at the expense of the fact itself, and sometimes it is very difficult to ascertain the true uniqueness of the item. It is especially acute while buying – or exchanging the same item.

Decentralized gaming economy – blockchain creates a direct connection between developers and players in games and any other developments. Players can monetize their progress, skills and accumulated property.

Transparent exchange of items – this is all about safe transactions and confirmations when the ownership of item is going to be changed.




  • Game Mining Pool


The base pool for mining is 30,000,000 million tokens. In the game, each type of farm works with its own mining pool and with its production rate which depends on different parameters.


  • Gameplay with Hexagons


Hexagons - this is a plot of land on a real world map with reference to real coordinates. Features for hexagons:
Tradable - has a base price, wich grows with every hexagon sold.
Address - every hexagon has its own address, and they stored as state of the world in blockchain.
Resources - its each hex has its own resource: qubit, cash, brain.
Life Quality - a dynamic characteristic, wich plays a role in the Hexagon's profit (production rate of the factories or farm that builded on hex)
Customisable - every hexagon can be decorated.


  • Objects tokenization protocol


Inside the game every game asset can be tokenized. Tokenization of game values helps to raise their cost, each building can be tokenized in the game. Tokenized buildings can be traded at an auction.


Worldopo Token


  • What is Worldopo/Worldopo Token?


The Worldopo Token (WPT) is the in-game hard currency that exists along with other resources: qubit, cash, brain etc... All transactions with WPT will occur through blockchain technology all micro-transactions will occur through off-chain transaction model. Worldopo economic system is based on blockchain technology in order to ensure transactions transparency and to protect users from fraudulent activities with in-game currency.

Worldopo token (WPT) can be mined inside the game from mining pool.


  • How does Worldopo/Worldopo Token work ?


Users can use WPT tokens to purchase the project’s main estimated local currency called Coins.

Auctions will be implemented as a feature to sell in-game items. As a currency of sale, they can choose any of the

three domestic currencies, including WPT tokens.

The game will offer the possibility to place ads on player-owned objects which can be purchased using WPT tokens.

It is planned to make competitions and unique events, which may include the need to use WPT tokens (for example, the purchase of a unique building, released for sale as part of a temporary event, etc.) WPT-tokens will subsequently allow users to exchange on-site resources an in-game currency for real money. Access to additional functionality - use advanced game functions and open hidden locations


  • Why is Worldopo (WPT) Token interesting?


What value does it give to the (blockchain) economy?

The main economic model of the game consists of its utility token. The model commands a consitently high turnover of the token in the game, which allows for a smaller amount of tokens on the market.

Thanks to Blockchain hours of gaming will not go to waste: The game’s economy allows you to use your virtual achievements for real things, transparently monitor who owns what and all that while not having to care about security or transparency issues. All game assets can be tokenized and then tradable inside the game and on an external exchange (like opskin)

Obtaining WPT in the game can be compared to mining in the real world, as an alternative to virtual proof of work.

Future emissions will only be conducted to guarantee affordability for players and keep the price stable.

The virtual currency has a value and is influenced by pricing factors.

Integration of the blockchain into the gaming industry is the best way to identify and solve the network bandwidth problems. Since games, in contrast to the fintech sectors, require high load support and a large number of transactions. The game will implement a platform for the implementation of the economic model of the game.


  • Anything else investors should know?


The market of games is one of the largest and steadily growing. 6,2% market growth 2016 - 2020 the yearly turnover will generate $ 128.5 billion. Consolidation of different technologies gives the game the opportunity to reach into several segments of the market.

The main economic model of the game consists of its utility token. The model commands a consitently high turnover of the token in the game, which allows for a smaller amount of tokens on the market.

Worldopo Roadmap

  • 2017 - Market entry. Our first steps
  • ICO Launch
    MVP. Worldopoly Airminer release
    Roadshow. Introduction Worldopo within Europe
    Initial Community
  • 2018 May - July Reaching Softcap. Strategy & Game concept upgrade
  • - Reached Softcap
    - Detailed Game Play Design with Everdreamsoft at Station F (Paris)
    - Started working on Alpha Release of Worldopo (Upgraded concept)
    - Started negotiations due to WPT-token listing on several exchanges
  • 2018 August - Preparing for Main Sale. Release of New Updates
  • - Foundation of Qubit AG in Liechtenstein and FMA approval
    - Main Sale on Continued Token Sale Structure (CCO)
    - Release of Alpha Version & migration from AirMiner (MVP)
    - Game mechanics fixation in Blockchain
    - Implementing new Marketing campaigns. Publishing new Game-trailer!
    - The Presale of Worldopo in-game digital assets. Smart contracts based deals.
    - New Update release. Redesign of the website and other crypto-software
    - Setting up the merchandise store for fans & clans
    - Preparation for Gamescom in Cologne for 21-25.08.2018 (H10.1)
  • 2018 September - WPT-token listing. Entry on external Digital assets marketplaces
  • - Game update. New game mechanics, buildings & resources, etc
    - Introducing an in-game Auction for Digital assets trading
    - In-game objects tokenization for trading on Global Digital assets marketplaces
    - Creation of Worldopo Forum
    - Deposit WPT into the game and unlock 25% of tokens on holders’ ERC 20 wallets
    - Preparation for WPT listing on Exchanges
    - Running the fixation of the game mechanics in TestNet
    - starting working on webversion (Manager) of Worldopo
  • 2018 October - Marketing expansion. Worldopo “Game Manager” release
  • - Post ICO strategy implementation to support WPT-token growth
    - Diving deeply into community interaction
    - Bug-bounty Campaign / Hackathon Event & Security Fixes
    - WPT support into CSM Manager
    - Running the fixation of the game mechanics on Ethereum platform
    - Start working on microtransactions and moving to fully DAPP (from off-chain to on-chain model)
    - Implementing new Game loops, resources and digital assets
    - Releasing the first web-version “Game Manager” for Worldopo
  • 2018 November - Game Loop Finalizing
  • - Finalizing the High Level Game Design and closing the game loop for the Cryptolord
    - Preparing to launch the first stable Pre-Release(Beta) Game-candidate
    - Start working on AR & building recognition
    - Personalization for end users and advertisers. Creation of SDK & technology such as ARKit / ARCore for outdoor building/shape recognition
    - Integrating game loop for the Makers
    - Resource trading possibilities between Cryptolords and Makers
  • 2018 December - PVP-activities. AR-advertising and new opportunities
  • - Finalizing the full Game loop
    - Launch of in-game chat and push-notifications for important game events, (i.e. when someone buys the most expensive building)
    - Making all in-game deals between players and for the clans to be based on smart contracts
    - New In-game Events and competitions
    - Users will be able to receive revenue from AR-advertisements placed on their game objects, as well as, being able to place adverts of their own
    - All tokens will be unlocked
  • 2019 Q1 - Land Register
  • - Cryptolord will be able to buy land through a special land registry divided by region
    - Expanding AR-functions for PVP-gameplay
  • 2019 Q2 - New Buildings. New Market Economy stage - Entering special types of buildings: Banks, hedge funds and Casino
  • 2019 Q3 - New Features - New features, new options for in-game building improvement, new methods of interaction between players, as well as the introduction of unique objects. To be continued…
  • 2019 February - New features, new options for in-game building improvement, new methods of interaction between players, as well as the introduction of unique objects
  • 2019 March - Windows 10 support & release of Worldopoly in the Microsoft Store
  • 2019 April - Further AI integration. Smart Assistant launch (it can give recommendations and reminders to users, and also assist in a better understanding the game ). Text commands one-off actions (building repair, building improvement, etc.) further function introduction.
  • 2019 September - Personalization for end users and advertisers. The Creation of SDK & technology such as ARKit / ARCore for outdoor building/shape recognition.
  • 2019 December - 2020 April
  • Implementing the opportunity to purchase resources and new types of facilities for urban improvement.
    Civilization creation, significant game world expansion and the ability to create own currency within the city.
Bonus Structure
26 Feb 12:00 PST - 30 March 23:59 PST 25%
Presale week 1 20%
Presale week 2 15%
Presale week 3 10%
Main Sale
Tokens Amount Bonus Amount
20,000 WPT 1.00 %
40,000 WPT 1.50 %
60,000 WPT 2.00 %
80,000 WPT 2.50 %
100,000 WPT 3.00 %
140,000 WPT 4.00 %
200,000 WPT 5.00 %
320,000 WPT 6.00 %
500,000 WPT 7.00 %
800,000 WPT 8.00 %
1,000,000 WPT 9.00 %
1,500,000 WPT 10.00 %
2,000,000 WPT 11.00 %
3,000,000 WPT 12.00 %
4,000,000 WPT 13.00 %
6,000,000 WPT 15.00 %
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
60% - ICO
15% -Mining Pool
15% - Founders and team
5% - Marketing & Bonuses
5% - Reserved funding (trust)
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Additional Details
Virtual Reality, Entertainment
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Qubit AG
Registered Country
Company Founded
Jul 21, 2018