About XYO

Facilitate education, research, and continued development of the XYO Protocol to increase understanding of the public benefit of an incentive driven geospatial location network.

  XYO is a network of devices that anonymously collects and validates geospatial data, or data with a geographic component. The validation of this data is a key part of this network protocol, and a major point for understanding its potential benefit for all.  


The XYO Network makes it possible for smart contracts to access the real world by using the XYO Network's ecosystem of devices to determine if an object is at a specific XY-coordinate. If it is, one can set up applications which execute transactions in the smart contract.

The XYO Network enables developers to gain the power to interact with the real world as if it were an API.

XYO Roadmap

  • Q4 2017 - XY’s Blockchain-Based Oracle Network Is Born

  • Development of moving the internal XY location network platform to an open blockchain implementation begins: the XY Oracle Network is born.
  • Q1 2018: XY Mints “XYO Tokens” to Be Used For Smart Contracts to Access the XYO Network

  • The XYO Token is created and represents the official currency to be used throughout the entire XYO Network.
  • Q! 2018 - Public Token Sale to Begin

  • The Public Token Sale is scheduled to launch on March 20, 2018 and to conclude on May 20, 2018.
  • Q2 2018 - XY to Complete XYO on Test Network (”XY TestNet”)

  • XY will complete the development of the XY Oracle Testnet and begin rolling out its location-focused blockchain protocol to its Sentinel devices.
  • Q3 2018 - XY to Launch XY Oracle Main Network (”XY MainNet”)

  • XY will issue a complete roll out of the XY Oracle Network to XY its Sentinel beacons and start tests with new Sentinel partners (specifically IoT companies and mobile app developers).
  • Q3/Q4 2018 - XY to Complete API for Smart Contract Developers to Interact With the XY Oracle Network

  • Release of the XYO Network API that enables smart contract developers to write contracts to interact with XY’s network. Libraries to be developed: Ethereum Solidity Library, Ethereum Viper Library and JavaScript library for websites to interact with the XYO Network (similar to the Web3.js integration with MetaMask).
  • Q3/Q4 2018 - XY to Release XY Sticker-Based Trackers, Which Can Be Added to eCommerce Packages

  • Launch the low-cost XY Sticker product which enables eCommerce retailers to track every single one of their products in realtime.
  • 2019 - XY to Grow Global Network of Diversified Location Sentinel Devices

  • Grow coverage of XY Sentinels (location data providers and verifiers) as well as other components of the XY Oracle Network (Bridges, Archivists, Diviners).
  • 2019 - XY to Onboard Larger Businesses, Organizations and Retail Companies That Have Use-Cases for Location Verification

  • Formalize business partnerships with enterprises and larger entities, which can benefit from a decentralized, trustless location oracle (e.g. logistics systems, supply chain companies, auditors, eCommerce businesses and countless other niches).
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