About ClearCost

Tokens allows consumers to receive goods and services at cost.  The service company determines how many tokens are needed for this.

For example, the first service Clearcost.club changes 12 CCWT for a membership fee for the first year, 11 tokens for the second year, and so on - up to 7 CCWT per year.

Its business model is reflected in the formula ClearCost = Cost price + membership fee

Cost price is the price of a wholesaler + a minimum charge to cover our expenses (not more than 4.85%, where more than half of the payment is a card-acquiring fee).

We have no marketing and advertisement expenses (that can be up to 15% of the turnover cost), because our buyers are members of the club. 

While selling accommodation services with a minimum margin, we get additional income from selling car rental services, excursions, tickets, and insurance.


1. The first service project is running and  for the payment of the membership fee Clearcost.club the value of one token is already about four US dollars
Users can become a member of the club for the cost of money, however, getting it with CCWT tokens is about four times more profitable, and this ratio will grow.

2. Our members can save up to 25% of the price, booking hotels at the cost price. You can spend $51 for tokens and can get the benefits of about $600.

Technical Info

At any time, a token holder can obtain membership instead of tokens.

Technical standard: ERC20

At any time, a token holder can obtain membership instead of tokens (even on the day of purchase).

To buy Tokens you need not undergo the KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures immediately. However, the buyer over 1000 CCWT (in total) will not become the owner of reserved tokens without undergoing this process.

ClearCost Roadmap

  • 2017 QIII

  • Start of the hotel service prototype development
  • 2017 QIV

  • Launch of the first prototype in another domain
  • 2018 QI

  • Start of team formation for a full-scale project
  • 25 April 2018

  • Start of providing services on the Russian market in concierge mode
  • 1 July 2018

  • ITO start
  • 15 August 2018

  • Launch of an automated service
  • 2018 September

  • Launch of a full-scale English call center
  • 2018 October

  • Lauch of the service in Germany
  • 31 October 2018

  • ITO finish
  • 2019 QI

  • Mobile application creation
  • 2019

  • Opening of our own contracting department
  • 2020

  • Clear Cost Club Worldwide
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