About DeNet

DeNet is a decentralized network created for providing and leasing IT capacities for storing, hosting and processing of data all over the world.Our goal is to correct the fundamental inefficiency of the web hosting market, related to the non-use of free computing power, which can be used within the framework of sharing economy concept. Therefore, bringing revenue to their owners and solving the client requests much cheaper and for a number of tasks with higher quality than traditional centralized storages.


MVP launched



Technical Info

We have a detailed roadmap for the coming 2 years, in-house full time developing team, experienced advisers from IT industry.

Our product is on alpha version stage, beta version will be launched within this year.

DeNet Roadmap

  • 2017

  • 1) Hypothesis testing and market analysis
    2) Alpha version of Hosting released
    3) First Partnerships: with Eggs, GigaWatt
  • 2018

  • 1) Approaching South Korea market
    2) Alpha version of Storage and its API
    3) Partnership with Daplie (home server developers)
  • 2019

  • 1) New Partnerships to be announced
    2) Developing Distributed Computing Application
    3) Intensified development of our network