Honeyswap is a network of decentralized exchanges which are supported and maintained by the 1Hive community. Honeyswap uses a multi-token model to manage the balance between Global and Local incentives.

Honeyswap is airdropping a total of 50,000 xComb tokens to Honeyswap liquidity providers on xDai. According to the team, the snapshot of existing liquidity providers on xDai was taken around May 26th, 2021. The number of tokens a user can claim will be proportional to the amount of time and liquidity value contributed to Honeyswap.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Visit the Honeyswap airdrop claim page.
  2. Connect your Metamask wallet.
  3. If you’re eligible, then you will be able to claim your tokens.
  4. According to the team, the snapshot of existing liquidity providers on xDai was taken around May 26th, 2021.
  5. Eligible participants will get free xComb proportional to the amount of time and liquidity value contributed to Honeyswap.
  6. A total of 10% of the airdrop token will be available immediately and the remaining 90% will be released over the following months.
  7. An additional token called pComb will be airdropped to Polygon users on Honeyswap in the coming future.