Buffer Finance Testnet is Live! Also, $BFR & $BLP providers on Mainnet are now earning trading fees and esBFR rewards​​​​​.

About Buffer Finance

Buffer Finance is a decentralized exotic options trading platform with real yield distribution tokenomics, built on Arbitrum.

$BFR is the native governance and utility token of the Buffer Finance protocol on Arbitrum. It has a maximum total supply of 100 Million tokens. No new tokens can ever be minted.

How to join the Buffer Finance Testnet Airdrop?

Requirements to earn free crypto coins

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''Buffer Finance Testnet & Mainnet Yield Earning''

  1. Head to the Buffer Finance Testnet platform.
  2. Connect a Test wallet & Start practising Options Trading.
  3. Earn Yield on Mainnet: Stake $BFR and $BLP to Earn rewards. BLP can be minted by providing liquidity to the USDC vault on the Earn Page. Upon minting, BLP is staked automatically, accruing trading fees and esBFR rewards for its holders.
  4. Join Buffer Finance on Discord or Telegram to stay updated. 
  5. Join this Guild and get your role. Good Luck!