JediSwap Testnet is Live! JediSwap is almost ready to go live on Mainnet and has deployed the final Testnet contracts. Thus, they invite everyone to test the product one last time to weed out any bugs and make improvements. 

Participating in the Testnet may qualify you for a chance to be included in a potential Retroactive Airdrop after TGE in the future!

About JediSwap

JediSwap is a fully permissionless and composable AMM on StarkNet (A ZK-Rollup on Ethereum) inspired by Uniswap V2. Users can swap assets instantaneously without losing custody of their funds. JediSwap is led by the Mesh Finance community.

Swap or earn by adding liquidity with ZERO gas fees while relying on the security of Ethereum.

How to join the JediSwap Airdrop?

Requirements to earn free crypto coins

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''JediSwap Testnet''

  1. Head to the JediSwap Testnet platform.
  2. Connect your Argent or Braavos StarkNet wallet.
  3. To test JediSwap on the StarkNet Testnet, you will need to get Test Tokens on the Goerli Faucet and then move them to StarkNet using the Starkgate bridge.
  4. Start using the platform. Perform Swaps, add liquidity, and convert any token into an LP token using ZAP.