About Big Data Block

Big data is a term used for data sets that are very large or complex where traditional data processing application software is inadequate to handle processing the scale of information quickly and cost-effectively. Big data challenges include capturing data, data storage, data analysis, search, sharing, transfer, visualization, querying, updating and information privacy.

Here are some examples:

  • Facebook – Uses big data to process all the posts, likes, pictures and more for many years. How do they know who to connect you to? Targeted Ads? Who’s most likely to be single soon? These are all answered with big data.
  • World Health Organization – Uses big data to pull information from all over the world to help prevent diseases and understand where to allocate resources and drive impact.
  • Capital One – Leverages big data to understand their customer’s spending habits so they can better tailor their products to real needs.
  • City of Long Beach – Uses big data to find people illegally watering their lawns during non-sanctioned times which provides compliance and saves water.

Big Data Block Roadmap

  • OCTOBER 2017

  • Big Data Block born.
  • NOVEMBER 2017

  • Founders team assembled.
  • DECEMBER 2017

  • Prototype development started.
  • JANUARY 2018

  • Big Data Block website launched.
  • MARCH 2018

  • Whitepaper completed.
  • APRIL 2018

  • Whitepaper V2
  • MAY 2018

  • Prototype 1 completed
  • JUNE 2018

  • Prototype 2 Completed
  • JULY 2018

  • Private Sale
  • AUGUST 2018

  • Prototype 3
  • OCTOBER 2018

  • ICO Launch
  • NOVEMBER 2018

  • Full production launch.
  • DECEMBER 2018

  • Big Data Block.
    Knowledge Exchange launch.
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