About Bitschool

The BitSchool Personalized Learning Solution (PLS) will help learners establish clear individual learning paths accurately reflecting their abilities and interests, and guide them on their paths to excellence. PLS comprises 3 components. "PLS Assessment" will help education providers with optimal curriculum planning that would allow learners to choose the right courses to resolve their weaknesses systematically. "PLS Learning" will help learners examine their learned knowledge and identify knowledge gaps, and provide intelligently generated learning materials to plug the learners' gaps. "PLS Test" will allow education providers to automatically create and administer adaptive exams to evaluate the learners’ true performances and minimize the exam cost. BitSchool’s blockchain technology will enable contents creators to trace transactions using their contents and get paid. This technology will help us transform into an education data company in addition to an education solution provider.

Bitschool Roadmap

  • April, 2016

  • Ideated BitSchool Concept
  • June, 2017

  • Start development of Adaptive Assessment App
  • September, 2017

  • ICO prep.
  • March, 2018

  • Start Beta testing of Adaptive Assessment App at schools
    Start Private Sale
    Issued BSCH, the BitSchool ERC-20 token
  • April, 2018

  • Entercube, developer of Smart Test Solution (STS), joined BitSchool
  • July, 2018

  • Public Token Sale
  • September, 2018

  • Kick off development of On Demand Tutor platform (ODT)
    Start development of token payment gateway
  • Octobber, 2018

  • Set up fiat-payment system
  • November, 2018

  • Consolidate of Adaptive Assessment App with Smart Test Solution to create Personalized Learning Solution (PLS)
    Launch PLS in Korea and UK targeting the academic sector
    Start integrating adaptive technologies in PLS Test
    Begin development of Paid Per Use (PPU)
  • December, 2018

  • Launch PLS Assessment on Digital Marketing Platform
  • February, 2019

  • Start development of PLS machine learning capabilities
    Launch token payment gateway on blockchain
  • March, 2019

  • Start development of certificate storage / retrieval system on blockchain
    Start development of GoGreenFund
  • 2Q, 2019

  • Launch Paid Per Use
    Launch Adaptive PLS Tests
    Launch On-Demand Tutor
    Expand PLS in English-speaking countries, i.e. US, North America, Australia etc
  • 3Q, 2019

  • Launch blockchain-based certificate storage / retrieval system
    Launch GoGreenFund
  • 4Q, 2019

  • Start development of PLS corporate eLearning version
  • 1Q, 2020

  • Launch PLS in non-speaking countries such as China, India and EU etc
    Launch AI-equipped PLS Assessment
  • 2Q, 2020

  • Launch AI-equipped PLS Learning and PLS Test
    PLS will cover most courses taught in the academic sector
    Start development of PLS Test for essay-type questions
  • 3Q, 2020

  • Launch PLS corporate eLearning version
  • 2Q, 2021

  • Launch PLS Essay Test
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