About Experty

Our mission is to encourage the adoption of cryptocurrency on a global scale by creating an intuitive, easy to use application that is suitable for wide scale usage. We expect mass adoption within the next 3 years. Anyone who needs to make a consultation via the Experty app will also have a cryptocurrency wallet in their pocket.

Our current focus is on solving the talent crisis in the blockchain community by allowing experts to monetize their skills through a skype-like voice and video application. Payments are handled through an automated smart contract system using Experty’s native token EXY. This will let companies obtain the talent they need, allowing the blockchain community to continue to expand and flourish.


  1. Instant access
    There are a lack of incentives to share phone numbers with strangers and answer their calls. Experty aims to solve this problem. Through Experty any influencer, professional, or expert can grant instant access to their knowledge from anywhere in the world to anyone in the world.
  2. Instant answers
    Calls can be made over Experty with very little setup. This means that answers from qualified experts can be obtained at short notice. Per minute rates are set by publicly rated experts, and refunds can be given via the smart contract if they fail to provide adequate service.
  3. Instant payment
    Experty allows experts to be paid instantly for time they spend on a call, without going through third party intermediaries. Callers don’t have to pay upfront, as payment is handled during the call through our smart contract system.


The system is suitable many knowledge providers including but not limited to lawyers, medical consultants, therapists, and academic professors. Celebrities, bloggers, influencers, and popular YouTubers can also share their profiles to monetize contact with their audience.

Technical Info

Technical details:  The Experty platform is based on an Ethereum network contract which acts as the back-end for the service. The website and applications store the information about the usage history of all users. -WebRTC​ ​Protocol -Fully​ ​Decentralized​ ​Call​ ​Links​ ​ -Instant​ ​Payments​ -Cross​ ​Platform​ ​Calling​ ​Application​ -Availability​ ​Schedule​ ​ -Ethereum​ ​Wallet​ ​The source code:  The code of the product is not available. Proof of developer:  Public team

Experty Roadmap

  • Alpha

  • We will be launching our Alpha very soon.
  • 2014

  • Company foundation of software consulting company React Poland.
  • Beta

  • We will launch our Beta on iOS and Android.
  • 2015

  • - First small crypto project for SatoshiPay
    - Initial solidity smart contracts and web3 internal projects
  • 2016

  • Blockchain projects research and analysis
  • Desktop Beta

  • We will launch our Desktop version.
  • Q1 2017

  • Project concept
  • Advance features

  • Advanced payment rules
  • Q2 2017

  • Started development
  • Screen sharing

  • Add features
    screen sharing
  • Q3 2017

  • Seed investment round $700,000
  • Group calls

  • Add features including Group calls
  • Q4 2017

  • Alpha release + planned Token Generation Event
  • Pre-TGE opens

  • Pre-Sale
  • Q1 2018

  • - Mobile/Webapp Beta
    - Contacts Management
    - Ethereum Wallet
    - Mobile: Messaging, Voice Calls
    - WebApp: Balance, Messaging
  • TGE Launch

  • TGE Launch
  • Q2 2018

  • - Security Audit
    - Market Release
    - Call-Me Web Links
    - Mobile: Availiability Schedule
    - WebApp: Voice Calls, Availiability Schedule
  • Q3 2018

  • - Desktop Beta
    - Mobile: Video Calls, Balance Management
    - WebApp: Video Calls
  • Q4 2018

  • - Desktop Release
    - Fiat Fateway
    - Advanced Payment Rles
    - Desktop (MacOS/Windows): Balance management, Messaging, Video Calls
    - Mobile: UX Update
    - WebApp: UX Update
  • Q1 2019

  • - Refinement Based on Users Feedback
    - Screen sharing
  • Q2 2019

  • - Group Calls
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