LandX Finance will carry out one final Testnet before going live, a Dress Rehearsal Testnet launch on Ethereum’s Goerli testnet. Start 5th December 2022​​​​​!

About LandX Finance

LandX Finance is a decentralized protocol closing the gap between farmland owners and crypto investors through blockchain-based perpetual commodity vaults that provide investors with a daily real yield paid out in units of the underlying commodity.

Each staked xToken yields one cToken per year, which price is pegged to the price of one kilogram of the underlying commodity. At any time, the holder may convert accumulated cTokens into $USDC, at market price. Every xToken vault is backed by crop share from real productive farmland (Payout Calculator).

How to join the LandX Finance Testnet Airdrop?

Testnet Start Date5th December 2022
Testnet RewardsTBA


Requirements to earn free crypto coins


LandX Finance Testnet banner

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''LandX Finance Dress Rehearsal Testnet''

  1. Fill out the LandX Finance Testnet application form to apply for the LandX DAO, get Early Access and the shiny Alpha Farmer role. You will know if you are part of the LandX DAO by seeing the blue Alpha Farmer role given to you and seeing access to the hidden part of the LandX Discord. It could take up to 48h, do not despair!
  2. Upon launch of the platform, there will be a faucet and migration options which you can access via a self-serve application. This can be accessed via the “Faucet” button on the testnet application. The launch will take places over two key stages: 

▪️ LNDX Testnet Token Launch: The Testnet $LNDX token generation event will take place with priority given to Omega & Alpha farmers followed by whitelisted addresses. Any addresses whitelisted in the testnet launch will also be automatically added to the whitelist for mainnet launch. Stage 1 of the testnet LNDX launch for Omega farmers will go live on the 5th of December.

▪️ LandX Testnet Protocol Launch: Stage two will onboard farmers, and generate testnet xTokens and cToken yield where the latest updates to the testnet platform will go live (More info here).

* Subscribe to the LandX Newsletter to keep in touch with the latest updates about rewards, developments and news. Good Luck!

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