About Signals

This decade has seen the birth of two highly disruptive technologies — blockchain and
machine learning.

One of the many impactful ends to which any startup can use blockchain is to create their own crypto asset, binding the value of the company to it. This allows for the creation of new fundraising models and has transformative potential for venture capital industry. In the past few months, the number of startups creating their own crypto assets have rapidly increased. Crypto exchange is a bigger opportunity for traders and investors than ever before. Another trend that is gradually changing traditional capital markets is the increasing ability of computers to automate highly complex decision processes. The rapid expansion of digital data, together with the ever-increasing computational power, boosts the development of data science and machine learning techniques. 

The intersection of these movements is where Signals was born. Our mission is to empower crypto traders with state of the art algorithms from the data science community, which will allow them to optimize their profits. The Signals Platform provides these tools in a user-friendly way. From advanced charting and classic technical indicators to complex statistical models, crowd wisdom based inputs and machine learning algorithms based on media monitoring and sentiment analysis: the Signals Platform is a place where anybody can create fully customizable trading robots — no advanced technical knowledge required.


Signals Marketplace provides traders with an arsenal of trading algorithms, ranging from traditional technical analysis to state of the art machine learning techniques, all suitable even for those without any programming skills.

Technical Info

    Alpha version:https://app.signals.network/

Signals Roadmap

  • Q1-Q3 2017

  • Strategy Builder Framework private alpha
    Strategy Builder UI Design
  • Milestone 1: Q2-Q4 2017

  • Features: Strategy Builder Framework private alpha, Strategy Builder UI Design, SGN
    Token presale
  • Q4 2017

  • SGN Token presale
    Strategy Marketplace alpha
    SGN Token sale
  • Milestone 2: Q1 2018

  • Features: Strategy Marketplace alpha, SGN Token sale
  • Q1-Q2 2018

  • Data Marketplace private alpha
    Indicators Marketplace private alpha
    Strategy Builder Framework update
    Strategy Marketplace update
  • Milestone 3: Q2 2018

  • Features: Data Marketplace private alpha, Indicators Marketplace private alpha, Strategy
    Builder Framework update, Strategy Marketplace upda
  • Q3-Q4 2018

  • Strategy Builder alpha
    Indicators Marketplace alpha
    Data Marketplace public alpha
    Desktop App alpha
    Machine Learning strategy optimization
    Integration of decentralized supercomputers
  • Milestone 4: Q3-Q4 2018

  • Features: Strategy Builder alpha, Indicators Marketplace alpha, Data Marketplace
    public alpha, Desktop App alpha, Machine Learning strategy
  • Q1-Q2 2019

  • Indicators Marketplace beta
    Strategy Marketplace beta
    Strategy Builder update
    Mobile App
  • Q3-Q4 2019

  • Strategy builder update
    0X trading protocol
    Focus on Machine Learning
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