About UMKA

UMKA is an efficient project implementation and a team-building tool based on the blockchain technology.

One of UMKA’s goal is to form the expert communities and give them the best environment for work, education and personal development.

UMKA means financial safety for all users: all platform transactions use agile smart contracts based on blockchain technology. AgileSC offers an opportunity for stage-by-stage project payments and agreed-upon amendments while guaranteeing efficiency and convenience for all parties involved.


UMKA is a comfortable space for cooperation between employers and contractors that offers a wide array of useful tools integrated into its system

  • Digital passport contains user’s data. The data is stored on the blockchain. The digital passport contains all the information about about user’s skills and qualifications, his/her workexperience and a possible list of courses completed within UMKA platform sources. The digital passport makes easier for employers to find freelancers with the required skill set;
  • AgileSC (Agile Smart Contracts) is a unique technology developed by the UMKA team. They make it possible to break a project into iterations, set milestones and set them up by adjusting the three parameters: TIME, Work and Budget. Using Agile SC minimizes risks for both employers and freelancers;
  • Arbitration system is a system for resolving the disputes that arise on the platform. Arbiters anonymously review disputes and make a decision favouring on of the parties involved. After that the arbiter presents a thorough review of the case. The arbiter is rewarded 5% of the disputed amount.
  • Project groups are for cooperation with groups of freelancers. Employers can create project groups to organize the work of multiple freelancers working on a simple task. The employer signs an Agile Smart Contract with each of them individually.
  • GNMT — Google Neural Machine Translation integrated in UMKA’s chat engine to help users from different countries communicate freely; 
  • Integrated online courses are a useful bonus for the users of the system that allows them to take online courses from world’s leading universities and learn new skills. The results are recorded in their digital passports;
  • 15 cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies will be used on the UMKA platform. Every currency is represented by a corresponding asset in the blockchain, there are no transaction fees;
  • An asset is essentially a token (or an equivalent) for a currency in the UMKA blockchain supported by the cryptocurrency balance on a user’s account in the UMKA wallet and the fiat balance on the account of the UMKA entity. Assets allow minimizing transaction costs for users, since the flow of funds inside the platform will not be influenced by other blockchains’ or banks’ commissions. Assets are used for fast work of smart contracts and financial security guaranty for users;
  • The UMKA project team plans to hold a number of Hackathons to attract employers, developers and mentors. UMKA partners will have the opportunity to define the topics of Hackathons;
  • A full package of legal documents: Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy: https://umka.city/documents/.

Technical Info

The decentralized application UMKA is based on a fast turing-complete blockchain with inexpensive and flexible smart contracts (AgileSC) along with the Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) Delegated Proof of Stake consensus algorithm, based on EOS.IO

EOS is a blockchain that allows for smart contracts for decentralized applications and decentralized autonomous organizations. EOS has solved the issue of scalability that popular blockchain systems, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, were unable to solve. 

There is no transaction cost in the sense it’s used in other blockchains. There are no “miners”, whose work has to be paid by users who want to make a transaction. In EOS, there are block makers, who are rewarded for their work by the network.

All transaction within the service are done via the internal Umka Wallet using smart contract assets. In order to start working with the service, users need to create a personal wallet and recharge it using a debit or credit card, PayPal or a cryptocurrency wallet.
UMKA takes a 1% commission from the transaction's amount which is withheld from the employer's funds.

UMK is the security token of the UMKA platform. The UMK token guarantees participation in the distribution of the platform’s revenue. The token balance will be shown in the user’s wallet, and rewards will be accumulated proportional to the amount of tokens.


UMKA Roadmap

  • Q2 2017

  • Idea and concept development. Development of an interface demo version for internal testing on iOS and Android
  • Q3 2017

  • App testing in target groups
  • Q4 2017

  • Concept follow-on improvement in accordance with new market and technological trends and testing results
  • Q1 2018

  • Platform announcement. Development of prototype based on the improved concept.
  • Q2 2018

  • Creation of a working prototype of the mobile app MVP on blockchain, AgileSC integration. Testing of the app in target groups. Advertisement campaign start
  • Q3 2018

  • AgileSC follow-on improvement and testing. Blockchain and interface follow-on improvement and development. Mobile and web apps alpha version launch. Open alpha testing of the blockchain and AgileSC. IPFS integration. Implementation of the functionality: project groups. Implementation of the functionality: group chats, professional communities. Hackathons.
  • Q4 2018

  • Beta testing of the mobile app and Blockchain launch. UMK token listing on exchanges. Integration of educational programs. Integration with third-party services. Implementation of the functionality: a digital passport, testing systems, expert arbitration. Adding operation with 7 additional crypto currencies and fiat currencies. Hackathons.
  • Q1 2019

  • Final release of UMKA application. Full-fledged advertisement campaign. GNMT integration
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