EXA Finance Testnet community Airdrop is worth Free $EXA tokens for testing the new DeFi platform.

About EXA Finance

EXA Finance is a Peer-to-Peer Multi-Asset Exchange for Fungible and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Users can trade multiple assets at once and receive deals from anyone at any time with no effort. Thanks to the Algorand blockchain that makes it decentralized, fast, secure and sustainable. EXA Finance is also building bridges that will allow users to trade assets from other chains such as Cardano or Solana.

EXA Finance will go live on MAINNET once the exa smart contracts are audited which mainly depends on the auditing firm workload. However, they target Q1 2022.

How to join the EXA Finance Airdrop?



Requirements to earn free crypto coins


EXA Finance banner

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''EXA Finance Testnet community Airdrop''

  1. Visit the Exa Finance Testnet community Airdrop page.
  2. Join on Discord.
  3. Follow @exafinance on Twitter.
  4. To start off, set up a fresh new My Algo Wallet before interacting with the EXA Finance app as this will ease debugging and reporting processes.
  5. In order to interact with the testnet, you will need some ALGO. To do so, dispense your account with any of these faucets: Faucet 1 & Faucet 2. You will receive your test ALGO within 5 seconds.
  6. Mint an NFT within EXA studio. Users must perform a list of actions to be eligible and to earn a score of up to 20,000 EXA-points. This score will be converted into $EXA tokens at a certain ratio TBD (It won't most likely be a 1:1 ratio).
  7. Go to EXA Finance Testnet page & Select the ALGO account you wish to connect.
  8. Connect your wallet, Select an asset and click Dispense. You will receive your assets within a few seconds.
  9. If you come across any issue, please report it here. They designed EXA Finance as a new value proposition to the Algorand ecosystem. To accomplish this vision, they need your feedback!
  10. Tell them How you feel about the application? What gets you most excited? What can they improve? What would you like to see on EXA Finance? Please provide this information here.

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