About Swachhcoin

Swachhcoin aims to develop a revolutionary model platform to disrupt the waste management sector using advanced, coming of age technologies like IoT, Adaptive Intelligence, Big Data and Blockchain for existing waste management companies where the household waste contributors are rewarded for the waste they produce that is ultimately converted into products of high economic value. Not only this, by adapting Swachhcoin platform, the waste management companies will be able to dramatically increase their profits while increasing and easing their operational efficiency and capabilities. All this while creating a cleaner and greener environment.


Swachhcoin is an effort to align Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of things with Blockchain technology so that anyone and everyone can contribute and tackle the biggest challenge that we are facing around the globe.


Swachh Adaptive Intelligence:Refers to the customized application of Adaptive Intelligence technology to increase the efficiency in operations, specifically in the processing of the waste to produce the desired output by making equipments 'intelligent'.


Swachh Big data: Refers to the customized application of Big Data to enable integration of advanced methods during transportation, collection, and distribution of various inputs and outputs as well as automated machinery decision based on past experience.


Swachh Internet of Things: Refers to the customized application of Internet of Things to enable complete remote access and control of indoor and outdoor waste processing equipment and thus enable dramatic increase in efficiency.


Swachh Bins: Refers to the customized waste collection bins designed by Swachhcoin having various features like but not limited to, automatic opening and closing lid, linked user identity database, reward distribution, integrated waste separation etc.

Technical Info

How it works ?

Swachhcoin will act as an global ecosystem to bring together the enormous but currently siloed and disorganised sector of waste management which otherwise is filled with commendable big and small inventions where individual companies are working to the best of their capabilities to bring about a change in the degrading environment and planet but with little success. The Swachhcoin ecosystem will be the most technically advanced, broad and efficient waste management platform, which unlike any other player, will employ Adaptive Intelligence, Internet of things, Big Data and Blockchain, together, in sync with each other, thus enabling achievement of ground breaking waste management efficiency. Not only this, it will incentivize any and all domestic households globally for contributing the input in the waste processing industry in the form of Swachh Tokens.

How are we different from others ?

The platform offered by Swachhcoin is unique in number of ways. Currently there are other waste management platform but none of them are as broad and as technically advanced as Swachhcoin. Some of the features which makes us unique are:

  • Users are given monetary incentive to manage their waste ,whereas, traditionally, people used to pay for their waste to be collected from their homes.
  • The range of outputs produced after processing the waste are over Twenty.
  • Leveraging not one, but four most advanced technologies i.e. AI, Big Data, IoT and Blockchain.
  • Freedom to sell and buy produced output in both Fiat and Tokens.
  • Apart from profit making business model, our platform has integrated autonomous philanthropic work.

The above mentioned key featured makes this platform better than any other available and years of research, correct partnerships and development gives us edge over any developing platform in this domain.

Swachhcoin Roadmap

  • Q2 2016

  • Idea Conceptualisation.
  • Q3 2016

  • Techincal Study and Survey.
  • Q4 2016

  • Market Survey and Brainstorming.
  • Q1 2017

  • Internet of Things, Adaptive Intelligence and
    Big Data Integration into the platform .
  • Q2 2017

  • SWIot, SWaTel, SwaTa, SwBin Conceptualisation and Development .
  • Q3 2017

  • Testing in market conditions, feedback and improvement .
  • Q4 2017

  • Collaborations with technical advising partners.
  • Q1 2018

  • ICO Announcement, ICO Campaign targetting Social Media, Blockchain Development .
  • Q2 2018

  • Presale, Main ICO, Token Distribution, Market Recognition and Expansion Strategy.
  • Q2 2018 -Q1 2019

  • Platform develpment, Alpha release, Overall system Integration, Industry tie-ups .
  • Q2 2019

  • First platform deployment in the industry.
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