ALYA is the major Token of ALYATTES Platform which is based on many platforms like ALYASwap, ALYA-Ex, ALYA-Fun, ALYA-Trading and ALYA Care. ALYA is launching a Fairlauch ICO and first owner of ALYA is going to be decided with this Presale because there was never any other former Sales in ALYA Token. ALYA is basically a Deenflationist Token with 5% Taxation on every Transaction. 65,7% of Total Supply is locked in Smart Contract and is going to be mined through PoA Miners in next 5 years. ALYA Contract has already CERTIK Verified. For more Informations, we refer to read Whitepaper on www.alyattes.io


Social Responsibility Foundation helping Children 

Auto Burn, Auto Holders Bonus 

65,7 % of Total Supply is Locked for Miners 

No former Sales, only Presale in Fairlaunch

Technical Info

Contract Address: 0x72690c447aa1ea53042899b7402d10a176819102

Main Network: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)            

Decimal: 9

Total Supply: 205.000.000          

Premined: 71.200.000  

Locked: 133.800.000

Memo: Yes

Mining: PoA & PoS         

Mining Period: 1500 Blok           

Smart Contract: Decentralized

Audit Report: Yes - CERTIK


  • from 2021 to 2024

  • Q4 / 2021
    Auditing ALYA Codes
    PreSale Structure
    PreSale (FairSale via Alyattes.io)

    Q1 / 2022
    Pancake Listing
    Mining Start
    ALYA CARE Structural Setup

    Q2 / 2022
    Planning - FARM Options
    Listing on Centralized Exchanges
    Organisation of ALYA CARE
    Planning - ALYA Wallet Options

    Q3 / 2022
    Operational Start of ALYA Care
    Development and First Test - ALYA FARM
    Development and First Test - ALYA Wallet
    Structuring of ALYA Swap

    Q4 / 2022
    Planning - ALYA FUN
    Farming Start @ ALYA Finance
    Providing BETA v.1. ALYA Wallet
    International Offices for ALYA Care