About AI Crypto

Since the appearance of Cybernetics in the early 20th Century, Artificial Intelligence (AI) researches conducted by many scientists and engineers went through numerous trials and errors to prove, realize, and sometimes dismiss and fail various theories to understand intellectual behaviors of human. Regardless of the questions asked and how we answered them, what is the ultimate goal of AI research? Not only just fulfilling the intellectual curiosity, but if it helps serve the mankind, that must be the reason why our AI Crypto Team is dedicated to AI.

Blockchain is emerging to be the topic of conversation. It is a revolutionary idea as it is shifting the paradigm of existing technology.Not only blockchain is a technological innovation based on an open idea, people’s fascination over cryptocurrencies based on blockchain is what we cannot disregard. Are we just going to treat this innovation as ‘Tulip Fever? We, AI Crypto Team as researchers of AI technology, do not dare to follow the pioneer ideas of great philosophers. We are just doing what need to be done, and we believe it is natural to do something benefiting the entire human race. We only want to use a basic method to achieve our purpose with the most advanced technology available. We believe, we can achieve the b est result for everyone by sticking to our original purpose. Now, all we need to do is, make happen what need to be done and realize it.

Therefore, our AI Crypto Team believes, our commitment to AI will contribute to the prosperity of everyone. Also, we want to bring justice to science, particularly the field of AI, to support all the AI researchers.

We believe in proper Virtue, following the best value.

AI Crypto Roadmap

  • 03 2018

  • White paper
  • 05 2018

  • ICO
  • 12 2018

  • AI Crypto API/SDK release
  • 03 2019

  • AI Crypto Ecosystem API/SDK release
  • 04 2019

  • AI Crypto Ecosystem Beta release
  • 06 2019

  • AI Crypto Ecosystem Official release
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