About 8Hours

8Hours Foundation is established with the mission to create ways for people to connect and strengthen their social fabric through social interactions. We found that the best way to foster social bonds is simply by spending an average of 8 hours a week interacting with each other, and so we set out to the most meaningful experiences there are: social play

We seek to create a culture where “game nights” amongst friends and families are facilitated by cutting edge technology. By creating a new environment that blends physical board games and digital possibilities, we propel social play into the 21st century.

Technical Info

EHrT tokens are used in every scenario when using the PlayTable gaming platform, including compatible toys, collectibles and cards. As EHrTs are used to create new assets, 50% are burnt, capturing the value of the object both as data and as a new stand-alone addtion to the ecosystem, with 50% being sent to the 8Hours Foundation for further development and community growth.

EHrT tokens are used in the PlayTable Gaming Console and 8Hours ecosystem platform to create NFT assets and in-game credits. Tokens are burned 50% on usage

8Hours Roadmap

  • Q2 2019

  • Partnership with CREAMethod
    Join VeChainThor Blockchain community
    Hardware development finished
    - RFID technology tuned
    - Manufacturing processes set up
    - Electrical components & controlling software integrated
    - Mechanical engineering and tooling complete
    Private Sale
  • Q3 2019

  • Alpha Testing and integration into PlayTable
    Framework for building games complete
    Design specifications and guidelines for games complete
    Public Sale, Mint Token, Distribute Token
  • Q4 2019

  • Core user-facing software platform complete
    Development for launch library of games
    Partnership with publishers for game IP
  • Q1 2020

  • Production release of core features and launch to users
    First game launched on network using PlayTable
  • Q3 2020

  • Release of several original games from 3rd party game studios
    SDKs available for 3rd party game development
    Growing the 3rd party developer ecosystem
    PlayTable available globally
  • Q2 2022

  • Pursue AAA IP partnerships
    Collaboration with enterprise partners
    Continue growth-oriented business development
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