About The Freedom Coin


The white paper highlights the current challenges of new start-ups in the cryptocurrency domain. The high failure rate of start-ups requires a solution with proof of sustainability beyond the underpinning technology of a coin and the funding stage of launching the coin. The Freedom Coin addresses the need for sustainable long term returns to the crypto community through a decentralized TFC Product, providing returns to the TFC crypto community over the long term. The structure of the solution provides a governed approach through a unique voting system protecting the interests of the TFC crypto community and the sustainability of The Freedom Coin. The solution aims to provide increased piece of mind to the cryptocurrency community within the volatile environment.



New cryptocurrencies pose a high threat as the fundamental basis of competing with other coins is the underlying technology. With this high risk the lessons learned are that investments within blockchain technology and cryptocurrency require more than just the technology to back up the token. McFarlane (2018) mentions that the existence of the following elements has a positive contribution to the success of a new coin:

– An existing prototype or better still an alpha

– A team whose members have proven experience in business execution

– Existing venture capital or angel backing,

– Existing developer activity on their platform

– A beta with active users


Further Kariuki(2017) states that “although Bitcoin and Ethereum are tried and tested projects, their decision-making processes are not explicit and efficient enough and they do not completely empower the user in the decision-making process.” Dash offered the “first cryptocurrency blockchain governance mechanisms inside the blockchain protocol” (Kariuki, 2017) through Masternode voting.

Khatwani(2018) mentions Masternode ownership and operating as one of the methods to earn within the cryptocurrency sphere. “A Masternode is simply a cryptocurrency full node or computer wallet that keeps the full copy of the blockchain in real-time, just like you have Bitcoin full nodes, and is always up & running.” (Khatwani, 2018). Additionally Masternodes have special functions (Khatwani, 2018) that the nodes perform namely:

– Increasing privacy of transactions

– Doing instant transactions

– Participating in governance and voting

– Enable budgeting and treasury system in cryptos


The problem with Masternode setup and operation are that:

– Rewards generated for Masternode investors decrease due to more Masternodes coming online making the long term incentive less attractive in the event that the value of the coin decreases.

– To recover losses the Masternode investors dissolve their Masternodes if the cost of running the Masternode becomes more than the rewards generated by the Masternodes thus weakening the coin’s network.

– The value of Masternode coins are backed by the technology and concept of the technology only.

A solution that proofs sustainability beyond the technological architecture of a cryptocurrency and includes governance within the blockchain protocol is needed.



TFC Vision

Make TFC the HODL coin of choice. The rationale is to provide the crypto community with a coin suitable for transacting, governed by the holders of TFC Masternodes and linked to a TFC reward system.


TFC Objectives

To realisethe vision of TFC requires the provision of a coin backed by more than just the underlying technology. The objectives of TFC are:

– Ownership of a product in the form of TFC Masternodes.

– Provision of Product owners / Masternode Holders on a continuous basis.

– Provision of Value Added Product Services (VAPS) which diversifies the exposure of Masternode Holders to opportunities and sources of income.

– Transparency through the TFC platform enabling real-time insights to Masternode Holders.

– Assurance through the BlockchainGovernance Protocol allowing Masternode Holders voting rights on proposals.


TFC Customer Persona

The TFC customer has been assessed using the Customer Experience Management (CEM) method and depicted in a Successful Customer Outcome Canvas in Figure 1. The TFC customer is a member of the cryptocurrency market or domain. They are technologically inclined with a healthy risk appetite based on their understanding of the cryptocurrency market volatility. They are early adopters and not change resistant. Their expectation is that they will have real-time insights on the performance of the initiatives they support. They have a low tolerance of undependable technology. They want to see performance and expect to generate income from the opportunities that exist within the cryptocurrency domain. In short the TFC customer believes they are in the process of acquiring long term income and wealth. In this process they expect real-time performance tracking, milestone feedback on the implementation of initiatives, performance reports and rewards paid to them on a continuous basis. Further with their risk outlook and entrepreneurial characteristic they expect access to new opportunities as they arise. The current status quo offers the customer unstable technology that is not consistently available. Currently companies and initiatives offer customers limited insights into operations and performance. Cryptocurrency initiatives often have short lived performance and high failure rates.

Success for the TFC customer is the ability to acquire Financial Freedom.


Network Speed in Excess of 325 tx/per second

Low Sending Fees

Masternode Holders Earn Rewards for Supporting the Nework

Monthly BTC Payouts depending on the Products Performance 


Community Governance 


Technical Info

Coin Name: The Freedom Coin

Algorithm: X11

Ticker: TFC

Type: PoS/Masternode

POS Reward: 10

Masternode Reward: 10

Masternode Collateral: 5 000

Block Size: 3 MB

Max Supply: 25,000,000

Premined: 26,625 %   (6 656 250 Premine Total)

Block Time: 60 Sec

Block Halving: -18% / Year

Block Reward : 20

Min Stake Age: 24 Hours

Mainnet: P2P port 7118

RPC port 7117

The Freedom Coin Roadmap

  • April 2018

  • Genesis Block.
  • May, 2018

  • Masternode Pre-sale AT 1BTC.
  • June 2018

  • Launch TFC Portal.
  • June 2018

  • First Proposals Will be implemented via the Governance System
  • June 25-30, 2018

  • First Masternode network support fee PAY-OUT.
  • July 1, 2018

  • Going live on crypto bridge.
  • July 15, 2018

  • Merchant agreements.
  • July 25-30, 2018

  • Second masternode network support fee PAY-OUT.
  • July 30, 2018

  • Monthly masternode holders update.
  • August 25-30, 2018

  • Third masternode network support fee PAY-OUT.
  • August 30, 2018

  • Monthly Masternode Holders Update.
  • September 2018

  • Fourth Masternoeort fee network support fee PAY-OUT.
  • October 2018

  • Fifth crypto fund report.
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