About CashBag (PreICO)

CashBag.co is a transactional cash back aggregator that enables consumers to secure discounts and cash back for shopping and transacting online at thousands of participating global merchants. For each transaction concluded CashBag members earn cash back which is collected by CashBag from the participating merchant, accrued to the member wallet and paid out in at to linked bank or PayPal accounts.

CashBag will through this token issue add a feature rich environment to its platform, including an ERC20 compliant wallet which will enable features such as at / token conversion, advertising purchases, member rewards accumulation and redemption, instant transfers and the ability for members to transact both within CashBag and with any other ERC20 compliant wallet.

Ethereum underpinning technologies enable CashBag to empower its members to own, earn and trade tokens without requiring them to understand any of the underlying infrastructure. This will drive up adoption and use of the token, increase market liquidity and enable tradability.

The surge in adoption of cryptocurrencies & tokens as an investment and trading class will be exponentially increased when non-technical consumers can earn and use these currencies without having to understand the fundamentals of mining, cryptocurrency, blockchain or any other deeply technical terminology.

Utilizing blockchain transaction authentication & smart contracts CashBag will not only revolutionize its transactional capability but enable instant settlement, disrupt the market and speed up consumer mass adoption.


CashBag is issuing a token sale to enable it's Advertisers to pay for advertising and consumers to earn tokens as rewards for transacting through CashBag.

Utilizing blockchain transaction authentication & smart contracts CashBag will revolutionize its transactional capability & enable instant settlement, disrupting the market and speed up consumer payments.

CashBag (PreICO) Roadmap

  • 2014 - 2015

  • Core CashBag.co Application Development and Alpha MVP
    BizDev secures initial +100 merchant partners
    Beta development & live site launch.
  • 2016

  • CashBag Soft Launch South Africa
    Organic growth to 180 merchants
    Development Continues
    Platform supporting Multicurrency Wallet Development
    Desktop toolbar Development
  • Q1-Q3 2017

  • Stage 1 Targeted Customer Acquisition (EMEA / USA / APAC)
    Investigate high yield focus markets for expansion marketing plan.
    Android App Launch
    Merchant base growth to +500
    User adoption growth to 130,000 members
    Scale staffing, systems and business processes
    Planning for product evolution to decentralized architecture and blockchain implementation.
    Tokenonomics finalization & implementation research.
    Build MVP advertiser smart contracts.
  • Q4 2017

  • Token sale architecture & smart contract development including token buyer/member wallet launch.
  • Q1 2018

  • Advertiser Transactional Advertising & Member Wallet Integration
    Launch Advertiser Self Service Portal including wallet enabling token-to-advertising transaction processing and currency = CB swaps through smart contracts.
    Launch expanded member interface showing token values, cash and cash equivalent values and tools for executing swaps, redemptions and withdrawals.
  • Q2 2018

  • MarketPlace & Core Market Expansion
    Launch CashBag marketplace, integrating merchant data feeds with 150,000 distinct products.
    Launch AI Natural Language UX independent shopping assistant
    Stage 2 Targeted Customer Acquisition (EMEA / AUS / NZ)
  • Q3 2018

  • Native Ad Engine
    Launch ad engine including audience targeting, ad creation and redemption of CBC for advertising spend using smart contracts to execute advertising buys on the platform
    Stage 3 Targeted Customer Acquisition (US / CA)
  • Q2 2019

  • Launch Debit Card
    Launch linked Debit Card in US Market, with other markets to follow
  • Beyond

  • Extend marketplace to enable members to list and sell their own goods in a secure, high trust environment using smart contracts to execute and guarantee transactions and delivery.
    Add Social Tools, enabling direct peer-to-peer (member-to-member) communication & transactions, including gamification elements to drive adoption, usage and social sharing of the platform, merchants and products featured on it.
    As cashbag evolves we envision the service becoming an invaluable and trusted part of members everyday life.
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