CRIP.TO Product Line

CRIP.TO is releasing their first two products; Shield and Black.

Shield is a software application that allows you to use the full capability of the CRIP.TO chat solutions, augmenting your communications with emojis and giving you back the safety of a trusted third party mobile wallet that you can access with a simple, memorizable password.

Black is a best in class hardware device that adds another layer of fun. As a cryptocurrency cold/hot storage, it can provide all the functionalities of a hardware wallet together with the convenience of a connected device capable of streaming data to our patent-pending Blockchain Cloud™ that allows for convenient message retrieval anywhere in the world with a password protected service. As a future improvement we will enable two factor authentication.

*We have designed and will scale manufacturing of our own chip for the Black, which is planned to be fully tested and certified against various threat scenarios. Funds from the ICO will be used to develop Black depending on reaching the cap of €16.7M contributed from investors.

CRIP.TO In the Blockchain

We envision a completely secure means of chatting, enabled by best in class security protocols and our own patent-pending and closed-source cryptographic primitives. The whole blockchain is still under development. The decentralized governance of the protocol and tokenized shares will provide RoI to our investors depending on the profit that CRIP.TO will realize through the sales of the chat application.

CRIP.TO Values

You stay anonymous: nobody, not even us, can decrypt your chat.


CRIP allows for the following Token Utility:

  • User authentication and privacy compliance.
  • Building a platform marketplace where users can buy CRIP.TO services. 
  • Incentivize launch of Master and Lite Nodes, and future reward system.
  • Run the CRIP.TO network, i.e. transfer and store data with top level security.

Due to the nature of the platform there will be a huge amount of utility that we cannot even foresee. Together with our current offering this should lead to a token whose utility will only increase.

CRIP.TO Roadmap

  • Q2 2018

  • CRIP.TO SHIELD (beta) Field closed Trial (2 months)
    CRIP.TO BLACK Lite Architecture
    ASIC Planning
  • Q3 2018

  • CRIP.TO SHIELD v1.0 Launch
  • Q4 2018

  • CRIP.TO BLACK v1.0 Launch
    CRIP.TO BLACK Lite prototype and Testing
  • Q1 2019

  • CRIP.TO BLACK Lite (new product) Trial
  • Q2 2019

  • CRIP.TO Open Network trial (independent blockchain)
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