Bitget is giving away Free $BGB tokens to newly registered accounts. Join Bitget and win in many ways!

Bitget Launches Seed NFT Collections with $2 million rewards to be airdropped to $FTT Hodlers! 10,000 Seeds are issued in phase 1, ranked from Beginner to Legendary.

About Bitget 

Bitget is a Global cryptocurrency exchange chosen by over 2 million users in about 50 countries around the world, providing a fast and easy trading experience with safer technology and Zero (0%) fees on Spot Trading. 

Bitget has introduced a feature for followers to view traders’ copy trade data in One-Click Copy Trade.

Bitget guarantees it will hold 100% of users' assets in reserves and will publish its Merkle Tree proof, platform reserves, and platform reserve ratio on a monthly basis.

How to join the Bitget ?




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Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''Bitget Earning Opportunities''

  1. Login/Register to your Bitget account.
  2. Get up to $4,163 in rewards for completing tasks. 
  3. Participate in On-going Competitions & Events to earn $BGB.
  4. Complete any valid invitation and you will receive the trading bonus reward equivalent to 10 U. The maximum reward for a single person is $ 3,000 for a year.
  5. You can also Earn BGB every day by subscribing to a variety of products that support early redemption, and redeem your funds at any time.

▪️ Bitget entered an exclusive partnership with the Magician, the Genius, La Pulga, the Messi-ah, and all-time footballing GOAT 𓃵 — Leo Messi — winner of a record-breaking seven Ballon d'Or awards! During this WorldCup, you can predict the World Cup winners of each stage to win 1 million $BGB!