About Foam

The stock market, supply chains, the airline industry, the electrical grid, communication networks and more rely on GPS.

But GPS is vulnerable to hacking and spoofing, leaving our critical infrastructure unprotected. Secure location verification is urgently needed across an array of industries.

FOAM solves the problem of location verification with an alternative, fault-tolerant system provided through an open network of terrestrial radios that anyone can operate.FOAM invites individuals, businesses, and organizations to join together in a community-owned and operated location network.

FOAM Map and FOAM Location provide more resilient alternatives to centralized maps and location services but without a single point of failure.FOAM is built on the Ethereum blockchain, a decentralized database that is secure without a third party or gatekeeper.

Blockchains mean that FOAM is transparent and censorship-resistant, and can provide secure location data for other applications.The FOAM token gives participants control over their location network and requires them to make decisions that impact its future.By putting a verification layer at the core, others can build on top of FOAM data and know that it can be trusted.