About Golem Network

On April 28th 2016 the Golem Project was announced, led by Golem Factory. The network launched on mainnet on April 10, 2018. The Golem Network is a decentralized computation network, a new way of distributing redundant computing power to those who are in need of it, on-demand. It creates a peer-to-peer network where users join on an equal basis to buy and sell computation, splitting up complicated tasks into smaller subtasks in the network. In Golem there’s no central authority and no user is more or less important than another.

GNT or Golem Network Token is needed to pay for computations on the network and is the currency that drives our marketplace. As a Requestor, you set a bid for an amount of GNT you are willing to pay to have your task completed. As a Provider, you earn GNT by computing tasks for Requestors. You can set your minimum and maximum price thresholds in your settings.

Golem tools include:

  • Golem SDKs which includes Requestors and Providers tutorials
  • Execution Environments (eg. Wasm, VM, SGX stack)
  • Python, JavaScript and Rust API
  • Awesome Golem, a community-curated list of resources, links, projects, tools and applications on Golem!

Technical Info


Golem Network Roadmap

  • 2016/ Q1

  • RAA is established and development begins.
  • 2017/ Q2

  • IT system and App are built.
  • 2017/ Q3

  • The ICO
  • 2018/ Q2

  • Long distance and city wide transporting IT infrastructure is built with RAAcoin payment.
  • 2019/ Q1

  • Re ned RAAcoin pay- ment system is built and exported to business users.
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