About Apollo Septem

The main shortcomings, of the art market, addressed by Apollo Septem are:
1. The lack of self-governance of artists’ community;
2. The art industry centralization and control assumed by third parties;
3. The expensiveness of the available online tools;
4. The expensiveness and reliability of the art pieces’ authenticity verification.


Apollo Septem will offer:
1. Self-Governance
2. Decentralized marketplace
3. Proof of authenticity
4. Fast Art Financing

Technical Info

The developed system will consist of two main components, each being associated
with its own environment, as follows:
• The on-chain component, that is represented by the Ethereum public
• The off-chain component, that consists of the platform (or different
applications that will be requested by the community needs) in which the
users will interact both with the blockchain (via smart contracts) and with
other users or groups of users.

Apollo Septem Roadmap

  • August, 2017

  • Idea.
  • October, 2017

  • Project started.
  • February, 2018

  • Presale.
  • March, 2018

  • ICO.
  • March, 2018

  • ICO.
  • March, 2018

  • ICO.
  • Early Q3, 2018

  • MVP.
  • Early Q3, 2018

  • MVP.
  • MVP

  • The main functionalities in the release of the Apollo Septem MVP are:
    Apollo Septem Wallet
    Apollo Septem Account
    Online Art Market - Alpha
  • Early Q3, 2018

  • MVP.
  • Junior Release

  • Online Art Market user go-live (Buy – Sell – Barter)
    Apollo Septem Authenticity Verification component
    Fast Art Financing component
  • Q4, 2018

  • Junior release.
  • End of Q1, 2019 - Consolidation Release

  • Apollo Septem Artwork Shares Creation Algorithm
  • End of Q1, 2019

  • Consolidation Release.
  • Q3, 2019

  • Senior Release.
  • Q3, 2019

  • Senior Release.
  • Q3, 2019 - Senior Release

  • Apollo Septem Online Galleries
    Major milestone: Apollo Septem Ecosystem fully deployed
  • Q3, 2019

  • Senior Release.
  • Approaching new challenges

  • Further evolution of Apollo Septem Ecosystem, based on community consensus
  • Q4, 2019

  • Approaching new challenges.
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