About Carry

Carry Protocol aims to create an ecosystem where all consumers, stores, and advertisers can benefit, with a sustainable purchase data platform on the blockchain. Carry compensates individual consumers for sharing their offline purchase data to build the most comprehensive offline purchase database, and receiving ads from advertisers that use the Carry database to send targeted ads. Carry empowers consumers by giving them back the full control of their purchase data and its monetization, and enables businesses to send targeted ads to the right consumers using the shared data.

Carry Roadmap

  • 2018 H2 - 2019 H1

  • Protocol Building
    Smart Contract;
    Protocol API;
    Reference Wallet;
    Reference Point-of-Sale.
  • 2019 H2 - 2020 H1

  • Application Building
    Production Wallet;
    Production Point-of-Sale;
    Ad Management System.