About InfraCoins

Crypto-currencies are still in childhood phase, and blockchain technology provides a world of possibilities for practical applications that extend far beyond the financial sector.

InfraCoins embraces this technology to open a decentralized marketplace in the hotel booking and property sector. Harnessing existing technologies and concepts – hotels and accommodation listings, online booking and purchasing, and by building the first integrated marketplace that uses the decentralized INF ledger, InfraCoins.com will challenge the market dominance of online hotel booking aggregators, property brokers, travel agents, and payment processors. InfraCoins provides a platform that charges low transaction fees, as it brings the consumer and producer together with no third party involved, thus providing direct benefit to both the parties.

According to even those who embrace cryptocurrency culture, more than nine out of ten ICO based start-ups are likely to go to the wall. Expectations of success from the experts are less optimistic than even for regular start-ups.

We believe that to a large extent, this is due to the misbalance between the complexity of the technical aspects of the projects and the actual business use of the services that users are not able to validate within a reasonable amount of time after the token sale. Waiting 2 years for a technology to be developed and then to begin thinking on how other businesses can adopt that technology seems to be a challenging concept.

This is why our goal is to launch a decentralized engine in combination with a user-friendly marketplace which will be fully integrated to the engine as an immediate proof of concept.

InfraCoins Roadmap

  • July 2017

  • Concept and Idea
  • August 2017

  • Planning and conceptualization
  • September 2017

  • Market Research
  • October 2017

  • Acquisition of partners and properties
  • January 2018

  • Prototype development – Property Listing and Hotel Booking Website
  • March 2018

  • Prototype development – Property Listing and Hotel Booking Mobile app
  • April 2018

  • Smart contract test net development
  • May 2018

  • Smart contract test net completed
  • July 2018

  • VIP Sale begins
    Pre – Sale ICO begins
  • August 2018

  • ICO Sale begins
  • October 2018

  • ICO sale ends
  • December 2018

  • Official site launch
  • January 2019

  • Listed on Exchange
  • February 2019

  • Official mobile app launch
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