About RealEstateCryptoFund

Real Estate Crypto Fund  is a platform for investment in commercial real estate objects all over the world. The mechanism we have planned consists in identifying a retail real estate operation, collecting money, buying  or building it, renting it at national or international brands, distributing income and capital gains. Commercial real estate was long considered an “alternative asset” class that floated on the periphery of traditional investments such as share, bonds and mutual funds. In recent years, commercial real estate has increasingly migrated into
the mainstream as a sought after asset. This migration has been reinforced by the fact that professional investors have used it heavily in
portfolio allocations for decades and that commercial real estate often outperforms all other asset classes (see “Invest Like Harvard: The
Advantages of Direct Real Estate Investing”). Add to this level of performance the additional fact that commercial real estate is the third largest asset class (after share and bonds). Commercial real estate is vast in almost every sense. That is actually good for investors as it enables investors to easily diversify their investment by real estate portfolios. The “four basic food groups” in real estate are generally viewed as office, industrial, retail and multifamily.