About Cosmecoin

COSX is a loyalty based reward token which utilises smart contract technology and which can be redeemed for treatments and products in exchange for highly valued customer feedback forming a verified peer feedback database.
The goal of the iConsult token sale (“Token Sale”) is to convert iConsult’s business into a decentralized token-based trusted ecosystem that will enable and promote better care for patients, whilst rewarding practitioners with additional
opportunities by virtue of patient feedback and ratings. COSX will reward and encourage best practice behaviours and the adoption of our core values, and is intended to change the way the consumer engages with cosmetic surgery and aesthetic procedures for the better. Specifically the feedback and rating system, together with the requirement for interaction between consumer and practitioner, should improve the trust between both parties and ensures a clearly defined and compliant pathway for treatment, thereby reducing complaints and possible future litigation.
New customers can book treatments or buy products with fiat currency and existing customers can choose to pay in fiat currency or COSX
●● Patient Safety
●● Practitioner Directory
●● Booking facility
●● Treatment Information/education
●● Patient access to all encrypted files, images and information relating to them
●● Transparent feedback
●● Once on the blockchain, neither patient data nor feedback can be modified or manipulated
●● Permanent encrypted medical data storage
●● Patients will have access to the rating and feedback of each surgeon/practitioner and can base their decision of which to go to on the provided information.
●● Patients/Consumer Forum
●● Consumer Marketing Opportunity
●● COSMECOIN as a trusted token for use in the industry.

Cosmecoin Roadmap

  • October 2012

  • Design concept of iConsult
  • November 2013

  • Release of iConsult v1.0.
    32 new registration.
  • June 2014

  • First Australian Practice Joins iConsult
  • May 2015

  • Release of iConsult v1.5
  • July 2016

  • 87 new registrations.
    VG Medispa joins iConsult
  • November 2016

  • Rebrand of iConsult v 2.5.
    iConsult partners with Enhance unsurance.
  • March 2017

  • First Carribean Clinic joins iConsult
  • June 2017

  • Won MFMB Award
  • July 2017

  • iConsult expands into Semi Permanent Make up with Theresa Wild
  • December 2017

  • Over 200,000 consultations performed with iConsultworldwide
  • January 2018

  • Over 61,000 clients registered on iConsult worldwide
  • May 2018

  • Token Presale.
    Development of iConsult and Blockchain Smart Contracts.
    Commence partner recruitment campaign.
  • June 2018

  • Recruit and build out.
    Token Public Sale.
  • July 2018

  • Release of iConsult 3MVP.
    Vigrate iConsult v2.5 onto blockchain.
  • Ongoing 2018

  • Continue to build community
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