About Hamster Marketplace

Hamster Marketplace is a decentralized trading platform focused on the sale of niche electronics and unique gadgets from manufacturers, including startups and local projects.

Hamster Marketplace will allow thousands of vendors around the world to get access to markets that they cannot afford now and will provide access to the audience of early adopters and technology fans.

Millions of customers will receive a unique range of one-of-a-kind products with no extra charges from intermediaries.

Funds for the launch and development of the Hamster Marketplace will be collected through the public placement of HMT tokens (Hamster Marketplace Token) during the ICO, which starts in the fall 2017.

For buyers and technology fans

  • A unique set of gadgets and electronics
  • Inventions, DIY, and products for any needs
  • Selective offers without fakes and at the manufacturers' price

For manufacturers

  • Large audience with a demand for niche electronics
  • Minimum costs for positioning and promotion
  • The ability to take their sales and production to a new level

For ICO participants

  • Early access to platform testing
  • Discounts from producers
  • Buyback of tokens


For manufacturers:
- Up to 20% comission for the first stage
- Immidiate payout to sellers

For buyers:
- Opportunity to sell DIY electronics
- Verification of manufacturers by the quality of the product and
production capacity
- Transparent registration of defective goods
- Simplicity of selection due to the absence
of low-quality competitors

Hamster Marketplace Roadmap

  • 2017 The idea of the project

  • Involvement of advisors and financing for ICO
  • Q4, 2017 Funding for development

  • and launch of the marketplace via ICO-placement of HMPT tokens (Hamster MarketPlace Token)
  • Q1-Q3, 2018 Alpha version

  • development of an alpha version of the marketplace, recruitment of vendors.
    In addition to technical readiness, the platform will be recognized ready for public release in case of at least 300 involved manufacturers.
  • Q4, 2018 Starting a public beta

  • Developing a system for decentralized platform management by vendors.
  • 2019 Reaching the planned targets of at least 3500 vendors and 3,8 million customers

  • Testing of decentralization systems; preparation for the transfer of platform management to vendors.
  • 2020 Transition of Hamster Marketplace under the control of vendors during the closed business-ICO

  • Closing of the project`s obligations to the investors of the first ICO.