About Metronome

Metronome ("Metronome" or "MTN") is a new cryptocurrency focused on making greater decentralization possible and delivering institutional-class endurance. Metronome builds off the lessons learned from previous cryptocurrencies and optimizes for self-governance, long-term reliability, and maximum portability.

Metronome is continuing its journey by relaunching and innovating for DeFi in 2022. Metronome was a pioneer in the DeFi space when it was launched in June 2018. With an elegant system of four smart contracts, Metronome has had success with its daily auctions and DEX functionality . Since Metronome's launch, DeFi has evolved due to the composable nature of protocols. Relaunching Metronome will provide upgraded token features, security enhancements, DeFi composability, a new development roadmap, and the formation of a Metronome DAO.

Metronome's migration opens the door for new possibilities and product development. After the migration is complete, the Metronome team intends to develop new and innovative DeFi primitives, including new autonomous primitives similar to those found in MET 1.0.

These primitives will be designed to create value for the Metronome DAO, and will serve as a key unlocker for the “Metronome 2.0 flywheel.” The Metronome team has scoped and begun R&D on a potential first new DeFi primitive to deploy as part of the MET ecosystem.

In addition, the team is exploring new-and-improved auction mechanics that are easier for users to engage with and for other protocols to compose unto. We look forward to presenting proposals to roll out these upgrades to the Metronome DAO.

Technical Info

The token API used to query and transfer MTN tokens is the familiar ERC20 token standart,  Metronome also incorporated desirable aspects of the ERC223 standart, along with some custom ERC-related functions.

Metronome Roadmap

  • March 2017

  • Metronome idea
  • May 2017

  • Partnership with New Alchemy formed
  • August 2017

  • Smart contract development begins
  • October 2017

  • Metronome website and Owner's Manual published
  • May 2018

  • Metronome Initial Supply Auction
  • Q2 2018

  • First cross-chain launch on ETC
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