About CrowdWiz.io

CrowdWiz is an ecosystem that shifts power away from intermediaries and individual control and places it back in the hands of investors, whom will benefit from financial services in a new, transparent way, with no middlemen and no hefty fees. The release of Wiz Fund and and Wiz Exchange will be the first step towards our goal and will be followed by Wiz Crypto Lending, Wiz Insurance and more.

Our mission is to completely democratise the investing process by eliminating intermediaries and placing the power and control where it belongs - entirely into the hands of investors.

The future in your hands

  • CrowdWiz sustainability
    When compared to the questionable past and current practices in the financial world, it’s clear that a revised philosophical approach and vision are needed in order for a new, complex economic system to develop and function in a sustainable manner. We firmly believe investors’ interest and engagement to be the pivoting points of this mission.
  • Full transparency
    A fair and transparent exchange of investment capital is paramount to the well-being of an intricate financial ecosystem and parallel to that is how accessible and efficient the process within it are. This technologically-liberated network excels in levels of cost optimization and degrees of approachability.
  • The mission
    Revamping investment practices and operations with the sole aim to return power and control back to the investors. The ineffectiveness of established banking and financial institutions, aggravated by inappropriate, monopolistic and obsolete legal regulations has created strong demand for this change.
  • Ethereum blockchain technology
    The endeavor to make global financial services infinitely safer, smarter and more accessible than ever before, through advanced technology, has seen us create CrowdWiz Funds and CrowdWiz Exchange, with CrowdWiz Lending and CrowdWiz Insurance as next development projections.

CrowdWiz.io Roadmap

  • Q4 2016

  • CrowdWiz project start
  • Q3 2017

  • Project announcement
  • Q4 2017

  • Token sale
  • Q4 2017

  • Token distribution & exchange debut
  • Q1 2018

  • WizFund beta
  • Q2 2018

  • WizFund & WizFund platform official launch
  • Q3 2018

  • Wiz Exchange beta
  • Q4 2018

  • WizExchange official launch
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