RealMe RealQuiz Airdrop is worth a chance to be eligible to receive up to 3,000 $USDT over the course of a year.  

RealMe Quiz is a weekly trivia Quiz held for the RealMe community. Topics range from crypto, personal finance, and real estate investing. 

About RealMe

RealMe is a blockchain-enabled platform that makes real estate investing accessible to the masses by tokenizing individual properties through blockchain technology. Users will have the ability to own fractions of properties and track their appreciation over time, making homeownership affordable and hassle-free for the first-time homebuyer. 

RealMe uses Polygon to build smart contracts and mint tokens. Overall, through the intersection of blockchain technology and real estate, RealMe aims to radically decentralize the way property ownership works, offering individuals the opportunity to become their own landlords.

How to join the RealMe ?



Requirements to earn free crypto coins


RealMe banner

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''RealMe RealQuiz Airdrop''

  1. Head to the RealMe RealQuiz Airdrop form.
  2. Follow @RealMeToken on Twitter & Quote-tweet the pinned Tweet using the hashtags #Realones and also @tag at least 3 friends.
  3. Join RealMe’s Discord server.
  4. Participate in the weekly RealQuiz. The new weekly links can be found in the # ❓︱realquiz-leaderboard channel within the Discord server.
  5. Create an account on the RealMe platform.
  6. Submit your Metamask wallet address and details to the RealQuiz Form.

▪️ Make sure to play this week's RealQuiz. At the end of the week, the winners are eligible to receive up to 100 $USDT. Good Luck!

Like and share the RealMe RealQuiz Airdrop on your favourite SM! 


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