About Stoxum

The events of 2017 around the boom of cryptocurrency projects demonstrated the need to create effective tools for working with a new type of financial transactions that occur through the use of technologies blockchain. Such service as the exchange of cryptocurrency, no doubt has densely entered into the lives of all investors and traders against the backdrop of the exponential growth of bitcoin and the market of altcoins. At the end of 2017 the general market of cryptocurrency, which does not include indicators of major Asian sites, has come close to the US$ 1 trillion. Such an instrument of attracting financing as the ICO is also an object of interest to all start-up projects, as it enables to raise funds, bypassing the need to sell the company’s share to one individual or investor. As a result it leads the company to the need to place its own tokens on the exchange with high liquidity.The example of the Binance company shows that in a short period you can achieve excellent results and become the leader of the sector, through competent marketing and technically quality product.



Each owner of the token gets access to statistics on all financial transactions online, and also receives additional rights and opportunities in the platform ecosystem.


The product will have open source code, which will allow the community to contribute to the development of the platform. The master node will be distributed among exclusive users to adhere to a decentralized approach. Exclusive rights to technical solutions and their implementation remain with the initial developers.


The service has absorbed all the positive features of centralized and decentralized sites and combined them into one product. For developers, a detailed HTTP and WebSocket API will be available for writing trading mechanisms, for ordinary users - customizable bots will be available directly from the box in your personal account.


The main advantage of the STM token is the dividend system, which will be 100% of the profit of the platform and its entire ecosystem, which includes sites created with the help of the Whitelabel solution.

Technical Info

Based on Ripple token.

Stoxum Roadmap

  • April-July 2018

  • Holding an ICO

    Marketing work to attract investors

    Preliminary arrangements with exchanges to place tokens

    Internal ALPHA-test platform among the commands
  • August 2018

  • Launching a closed platform BETA test among the tokens holders

    Start placing the tokens on the exchanges
  • September 2018

  • Running the BETA version of the platform

    The Token is traded on 3+ exchanges

    Placement on CoinMarketCap
  • October 2018

  • Publishing an open source client code

    Running a White Label Solution

    Commissioning of the master node and the decentralization mechanism
  • December 2018

  • Running trading bots on the platform

    Start voting for adding coins
  • January 2019

  • The Token is traded on 10+ exchanges
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