COPYTRACK is a fair online platform for publishers, photographers, image agencies, and e-commerce vendors. We stand for just and fair management of intellectual property on the internet.

COPYTRACK currently offers 4 key services. These services are free for anyone to use. We strive for equitable solutions between rightsholders and offenders. First, we must understand, in part, the nature of copyrights and how violations can occur. As we all know, pictures are copied and distributed illegally countless times each day. These pictures are stolen from their creators countless times, who are put at a great financial disadvantage due to the current copyright enforcement system.


At the core of COPYTRACK is the creation of a global decentralized copyright register for digital content, which authenticates users and links digital intellectual property. This registry will generate a ecosystem for rights-holders, thereby providing new e-client marketplaces. 

Technical Info

The UTXO model consists of a forest structure that tracks the history of a unit. Roots are coin-creation events, such as rewards obtained from PoW or PoS, and have no input transactions. By definition, all leaves are unspent transaction outputs. When a leaf branches or sprouts a new limb, the leaf becomes an inner node of the graph. During this process, the unspent transaction output is consumed and used as the input of a new unspent transaction output. Using this model, one can transparently trace back the history of each transaction through the public ledger. The UTXO model inherently allows for parallel processing capabilities to initialize transactions among multiple addresses, indicating its scalability.


  • 12/2015

  • Foundation of COPYTRACK
  • 04/2016

  • Start COPYTRACK SERVICE in 140 countries
  • 03/2017

  • 05/2017

  • Launch office in New York and Tokyo
  • 06/2017

  • Portal in JP, DE, CN & FR language
  • 10/2017

  • Launch NEW automatic Settlement-Portal
  • 12/2017

  • ICO
  • Q2 2018

  • Launch Global COPYTRACK Register
  • Q2 2018

  • Token-Swap
  • Q3 2018

  • Start converting Ltd. into Foundation Launch Evidence "Safe"
  • Q4 2018

  • Launch publiс API for "various media" registration
  • Q2 2019

  • Launch COPYTRACK-market
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