About EthicHub

EthicHub is a social enterprise that connects groups of small farmers with the financing necessary to work their land and sell their crops in direct markets.

Our purpose is to improve the standard of living of these small farmers through increased productivity and a more equitable supply chain. Did you know that many of the world's best coffee producers live in houses with dirt floors and tin roofs? And that they cannot save even to cover unforeseen events like getting sick? With our collaborative financing platform and the use of new technologies we can provide them access to working capital , with very accessible interest rates, and by opening direct markets for their excellent products , we ensure that they can easily pay off loans and enjoy the benefits of his work.

EthicHub arises as an original proposal to “break the borders of money” and correct dysfunctions of the global economy and the financial and monetary system that we know: The price of money is not uniform. And is it not paradoxical that living all on the same planet, more than 1 billion small farmers in the world pay interest above 100% per year, while in other parts of the world we hardly receive a return on our savings deposited in a checking account?

EthicHub has built a technological bridge to connect these two worlds and benefit the parties with their interaction. We finance profitable agricultural projects, based on the real and productive economy to generate a new ecosystem where all the actors involved win with the relationship and mutual collaboration, generating a strong and self-financed market: Farmers access a new financing tool and manage to produce more volume and improve the quality of your harvestsand we close the circle of comprehensive care by opening international markets for its production, considerably increasing the current price paid per kilo. With your payment history, we build a credit history that further improves loan conditions; The funders of the platform have the opportunity to collaboratively invest in projects with notable returns and moderate risk, contributing at the same time to generate a socio-economic and environmental impact in these small agricultural communities, facilitating their personal development. And buyers can access a stable supply market, with a product of exceptional and sustainable quality , with full traceability.


EthicHub is a blockchain based P2P platform that connects investors with profitable small farming communities around the globe.

Investors have the freedom of choice between highly profitable projects in regions of unbanked, yet solvent agricultural communities. The platform provides access to better reward-vs.-risk investment opportunities, which are usually found in those areas.

Small and unbanked producers can benefit from lower interest rates, due to greater financing supply and take advantage of a stored credit history on the Blockchain. More liquidity allows them to improve productivity, a higher profit from labour and as a result a better quality of life.

EthicHub Roadmap

  • Q1 - 2018

  • Token Presale. First projects funded by our Lending Smart Contracts.
  • Q2 - 2018

  • Ethic Hub Platform Alpha. Reputation Token (REP) Smart Contracts
  • Q3 - 2018

  • 2nd Round Pre-Sale. Ambassador Program. Tokenomics Update.
  • Q4 - 2018

  • ICO Launch. Ethix token release. Integration of Stablecoins and FIAT payments.
  • Q1 - 2019

  • Ethix Token delivery ends. Inverse Interest Rate Auction. 2nd country. Positive Impact Scoring.
  • Q2 - 2019

  • 1st Local Node Training Center Warranty Fund Smart Contracts
  • Q3 - 2019

  • 3rd Token Sale Automated Investment System
  • Q4 - 2019

  • Ethical defaulted debt collection policy. Mobile Apps.
  • Q1 - 2020

  • Founders vesting period end. Loan Secondary Market
  • Q2 - 2020

  • Currency Exchange Insurance Decentralized Exchange Integration
  • Q3 - 2020

  • 10th country 4th Token sale
  • Q4 - 2020

  • Decentralized Governance
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