DarleyGo is airdropping a total of 36,000 $DGE Tokens (~$ 3,600) to lucky participants. 

About DarleyGo

DarleyGo is the world's first myth-based NFT horse racing game based on Solana blockchain that allows players to train, race, breed, and collect NFT horses 🏇. DarleyGo horses are unique and have their own characteristics and abilities. DarleyGo is featured on CoinTelegraph.

DarleyGo Essence Token $DGE is the governance token used in the DarleyGo universe. It will be primarily used for breeding, staking, voting, special rewards, and the in-house marketplace. $DGE is already tradable on Raydium.io.

How to join the DarleyGo ?

Total Airdrop Allocation36,000 $DGE (~$ 3,600
Number of Winners250 Random Lucky Winners
Airdrop End Date28 March, 2022


Requirements to earn free crypto coins


DarleyGo banner

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''DarleyGo Airdrop''

  1. Visit the DarleyGo Airdrop gleam page.
  2. Join DarleyGo on Discord.
  3. Follow @DarleyGo_io on Twitter & Retweet this Tweet.
  4. Submit your Solana Wallet address and details to the Gleam page.

▪️ 250 randomly picked participants will receive rewards as below:

10 participants - 500 $DGE tokens Each
20 participants - 300 $DGE tokens Each
30 participants - 200 $DGE tokens Each
190 participants - 100 $DGE tokens Each

** Race against other active players in regular or special racing events for glory and honor while earning tokens.

Like and share the DarleyGo Airdrop on your favourite SM! 


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