Fraktal Airdrop prize pool is worth 100,000,000 $FRAK tokens (10% of total supply) to be distributed to the NFT community as part of Fraktal’ launch.

Anyone with a combined 3 $ETH trading volume or more on Opensea over a six month period is eligible to claim $FRAK, once they list an NFT for sale on Fraktal.

About Fraktal

Fraktal is an NFT marketplace project with the mission to empower artists to be in full control of their work and have unlimited creative freedom.

Fraktal unlocks powerful use cases for NFTs for all participants in the Ecosystem by enabling multi-creator ownership and multi-collector ownership.

$FRAK is the native governance token of the Fraktal Ecosystem. Stakers earn $ETH every block from Fraktal transaction fees.

How to join the Fraktal ?



Requirements to earn free crypto coins


Fraktal banner

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''Fraktal Airdrop''

  1. Go to the Fraktal Airdrop announcement page, and read carefully. 
  2. Visit the Fraktal Waitlist page. Eligibility is based on your Opensea activity between16th Jun 2021 and 16th Dec 2021.
  3. Click on "Count me in!" & Fill in the form.
  4. To claim users simply need to fractionalize and list an NFT on the Fraktal Marketplace in either a fixed-price or auction-style sale. 
  5. Claiming the Airdrop will only be available for 10 days after launch so make sure to follow @FraktalNFT on Twitter and join the Discord community where you can earn Bonus Tokens. A detailed guide will be released.

▪️ Didn’t trade on OpenSea? There are still many ways to get involved in the launch and earn $FRAK. 50,000,000 $FRAK (5% of Supply, an estimated ~$5 million in value) will be distributed to launch partners of the Fraktal Marketplace. The Fraktal Community Launch Partner Drop will be announced soon.


Like and share the Fraktal Airdrop on your favourite SM! 

Note: This Airdrop is labelled with the ''
Unverified'' label because the team info is limited & Smart contracts have not been audited yet!

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