MetaGrail Airdrop prize pool is worth a total of 11.52 billion $GRAIL tokens (~$ 11,520,000), with 115.2 million divisible tokens awarded per day. 

About MetaGrail

MetaGrail is a decentralized social protocol that is developing the next-gen standards for creating meta-social networks with the vision to develop an open social protocol standard based on blockchain technology, that will help in building an integrated and interoperable social protocol matrix, and forming a standardized and universal social protocol to serve decentralized social networks.

On the one hand, MetaGrail creates the ownership economy of NFT by attaching identity recognition and social trajectory to NFTs, and through a unique social token issuance model. On the other, MetaGrail’s mission is to improve the decentralized social ecosystem by taking sociability as a breakthrough point.

MetaGrail is the very first collection of 9,999 NFTs that target SocialFi, and the issuance is completed 9 times, 1111 each time, minted on the Binance Smart Chain. MetaGrail has announced a partnership with Binance for the sale of its NFTs on the @TheBinanceNFT marketplace.

How to join the MetaGrail ?

Total Airdrop Allocation11.52 billion $GRAIL
Daily Airdrop Allocation115.2 million $GRAIL
Airdrop End Date10 April, 2022, 09:30 EST


Requirements to earn free crypto coins


MetaGrail banner

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''MetaGrail Airdrop''

  1. Visit the MetaGrail Airdrop page.
  2. Click on any day event, scroll down to click join.
  3. Connect your Metamask wallet and pay the gas fee, usually ~0.0005 $BNB. 
  4. For an in-depth tutorial on how to enter and claim, head to this article. You can join as many days' events as you wish! Cows give more milk if taken for a ride in the metaverse! – as much as 5 litres more than their non-Metaverse counterparts. 

▪️ Activity reward calculation rules: Daily activity reward = Total daily activity reward: 115.2 million/number of daily activity participants.

▪️ Participation Rules: Users can join the campaign via the Grail 100 Days Plan banner on the website, link to the wallet, click to see what's trending that day, and then click Participate. Users can check the number of participants and revenue from the previous day's event at 9:30 UTC each day. The reward will be collected by the users after the event.

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